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diy solar

AGM battery virses regular lead-acid battery settings on my controller/inverter

Jim Burrow

Solar Enthusiast
Jun 27, 2020
I have the all-in-one MTTP 2424LV-PIP controller/inverter. For the last few months with the unit sitting on my workbench while I play with it, I have had the Battery Type (option #5) set to User and set my own parameters in options #26, #27, and #29. However, my junk batteries finally dead after someone else threw them away.

However, in that recycle bin I found last week, some more 24-volt AGM batteries and thought I would play with them for a while. (No money, so can't afford Lithium batteries that I should be using) And so I change option #5 (battery type) setting to AGM. But I don't like the way it is behaving. Note I finally connected one of my 39-volt, 300-watt panels to the system. (System is now setting in my shed in the backyard to play around with it some more the solar. I won't be connecting the system to the house until early summer)

Right now I changed some other settings in the controller and it's been cloudy for the last couple of days with rain and only a few minutes of sun. That to could be part of my problem.- the problem, the battery will not charge higher than 23-volts and discharge down to 18-volts. when on User setting, it would charge to 28-volts and discharge down to 22.6 volts which are the setting I programed in #26, #27 and #29

Anyway, is there any reason I have to set the controller to AGM versus using the "User" in option #5?
I would rarely choose to select a controller's defaults unless they actually corresponded to the battery's specifications. I vote "USER".
I would rarely choose to select a controller's defaults unless they actually corresponded to the battery's specifications. I vote "USER".
I'm going to set it back to User in a day or two. Just watching what the system is doing with one solar panel and spotty sun.

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diy solar