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diy solar

Are Victron exaggerating ?


New Member
Jul 12, 2024
My understanding of start up or inrush currents is that between 2.5 and 3 x the rated power is sufficient, except in the case of compressors.So what do folks make of this from Victron ? 6x nominal current ? Im trying to size an inverter without knowing the nominal current of the item - it's a fridge freezer (haven't bought it yet) that uses 500 W in 24 hours, according to the manufacturer.No nominal current is stated on the data sheet. The temptation is, of course, to go big but im trying to figure this out by not just chucking money at it.In the case of Victron the difference in price, between the Phoenix 24/1200 with a peak power of 2200W and the Phoenix C 24/1200 peak of 2400. is almost double for the C version. Is it possible to extrapolate from the claimed Annual Kwh consumption and the daily Kwhs what the nominal current is & therefore the inrush ?
500W in 24 hours doesn't make any sense, 500W average? 500WH?
Is it possible to extrapolate from the claimed Annual Kwh consumption and the daily Kwhs what the nominal current is & therefore the inrush ?
I'd have to say no, too many steps between the yellow sticker and the inrush.

If you'd point us at the appliance in question, someone might have a better clue.
Here you go its 198 L capacity E rating & claims 199 Kwh a year, 0.542 Kwh per day. Its a Spanish company, everything is made "In Asia" according to their website.We've looked at other manufactures, but few have anything this size with a big, 52 L freezer. No one it would seem states the rated power for their appliances here in Europe (AC here is 220). Ive sent an email but im not hopeful, i had a similar experience with AEG some years ago & they didn't reply.
My understanding of start up or inrush currents is that between 2.5 and 3 x the rated power
What's your take on this ?
Here you go its 198 L capacity E rating & claims 199 Kwh a year, 0.542 Kwh per day. Its a Spanish company, everything is made "In Asia" according to their website.We've looked at other manufactures, but few have anything this size with a big, 52 L freezer. No one it would seem states the rated power for their appliances here in Europe (AC here is 220). Ive sent an email but im not hopeful, i had a similar experience with AEG some years ago & they didn't reply.

What's your take on this ?
Well, it says

Tecnología Inverter​

So I’m guessing it has little to no startup surge.

However, it’s also frost-free, which will use spikes of power to warm up and melt the frost.

Is this the only thing you want to run on this inverter? It’s not terribly expensive compared to the power system you’re building for it, buy it and a Kill-A-Watt meter and measure it for your conditions.

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