diy solar

diy solar

Battery protector ...or not


New Member
Jun 7, 2020
Hello all this is my second post. I have been building a small solar back up system for a few weeks now it consists of four AGM 12 V 100 amp hour lead acid batteries and a Giandel 4000 watt inverter. My question is do I need a battery protector such as the Vitron 220 amp or dose my Giandel inverter offer enough low-voltage cut off battery protection
Check your Giandel's manual, what does it say? Mine says 19 (24v), 9.5 (12v) +/-0.5v, either way that's stupidly low. A lithium would have gone into BMS disconnect and lead acid would be ruinously low. How are you charging the batteries? It may be an option to use the low voltage cut off feature of the charger, if it has one.
Check your Giandel's manual, what does it say? Mine says 19 (24v), 9.5 (12v) +/-0.5v, either way that's stupidly low. A lithium would have gone into BMS disconnect and lead acid would be ruinously low. How are you charging the batteries? It may be an option to use the low voltage cut off feature of the charger, if it has one.

Chargers don't usually have low voltage cutoffs.
Except for inverter/chargers.
Might be worth it for @LennyM to get an inverter charger just for the LVD feature.
The victron battery protects are kinda pricey and a bit fragile imo.
@LennyM can you link the exact giandel you bought?
The Victron Battery Protects are not to be used from the battery bank to the inverter any longer, unless connected to the remote port (the Giandel does not have this function, but the Victron inverters do; as do other inverters as well). Also see Will's blueprints on his website where these are no longer to be installed directly between the battery bank and inverter.
This is a small piece of the verbiage from the manual regarding connecting to an inverter, " 4. The short circuit protection of the BP will be activated if you try to directly connect loads with capacitors on their input (eg inverters). For that use case, please use the BP to control the remote on/off switch on the inverter, instead of disconnecting the higher power DC line."

There are several diagrams in the user manual that may help explain this as well.

The 'Sterling ProLatch R' will accomplish this but the programming is a bit of a cluster f#@K.

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diy solar