diy solar

diy solar

Be glad your a DIYer


Whatever you did, that's what you planned.
Jan 5, 2021
Southwest MO
This was a good listen, nothing most of us didn't already know but still it was informative.

Send this to your non DIY friends and family if they ask you if they should finance or lease solar for 20+ years. It blows me away every time I hear about about someone I thought to be a lot smarter than that falling for it.

"Now I have $100,000 in debt that I've got to pay off for a house that was paid off. And one is a lease, not even, like - I'm not even buying anything. That's an $80,000 lease. Like, I don't know what the hell we were even thinking."

And me over here operating 100% off grid on a piece of property that has never and never will have grid power... My system was actually cheaper to build than it was to put power on the lot... Based on that I had instant return on investment as soon as I flipped the on switch

diy solar

diy solar