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diy solar

BMS problem after connecting Heltec Active balancer


New Member
Sep 19, 2023
BMS is a RadioB 150 amp.
Balancer - Heltec 3S 4S Lifepo4 Balancer 5A
4s 150 amp Lifepo4 cells

With the BMS alone everything has been working fine. I have been running discharge and charge cycles and everything was working. However, I do have one weak and lagging cell, so I decided to install an active balancer. Order one and did a little more tested while I waited and I got it today.

I unplugged everything and connected the harnesses and double checked the 1,2,3,4 cell voltage/sequence and all that was good and I plugged in the BMS and Heltec.

The cells were almost fully charged.

The Heltec light just glowed solid yellow and never started flashing.

So I did a short discharge test that should have taken the cells down about 20-30 amps, and then shut it down. Turned everything back on and the battery state meter on the case said 6 amps but the RadioB app read 150 amps, or fully charged which it was not.

I turned everything off, unplugged everything, restarted the app and it now read 6 amps.

Thinking this was a Heltec problem, I unplugged the Heltec and started charging through the BMS only and it charged for about 10 minutes then it shot straight up to 150mps or fully charged while the pack is only at 16 amps.

So did the active balancer burn out my BMS?

That is the only thing I can come up with considering it was working okay before.
So did the active balancer burn out my BMS?
Possibly. An active balance and a passive balance could create a situation that could do that. When I had an active balancer, I turned off the balancing function on my BMS but used the voltage, current and other functions because they were more acurate than my inverter. At the time I was using a $500 Orion BMS and did not want to blow it up just to get more balancing current and active balancing.

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diy solar