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Bring Back Public Humiliation / Hanging?

Should we bring back public humiliation with cages and public hanging for the murderers?

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 75.0%
  • No

    Votes: 2 25.0%

  • Total voters


New Member
Oct 23, 2021
I am sick of all the thefts, murders, rapes and assaults. Especially on children.

Should we bring back public humiliation with cages for the criminals and public hanging for the murderers?

FYI - My vote is a BIG YES!!! Couple of Cages and a Couple of Gallows in the middle of a city and crime would plummet.

I'll probably get a lot of hate comments for this but I'm curious how others feel.
I'd be all for it ..... but I don't think it would work in any of the cities where it's really needed. Too many people think the perp is the victim .... There would be chaos.

Singapore still publicly humiliates offenders ...... Back when Clinton was President, he actually involved himself in a case of some rich American brat in Singapore to get him off the hook ..... At the time, I thought that was the lowest a president could go ... I have been proven wrong about that many times since.
Oh, and there is very little crime in Singapore.
I'd be all for it ..... but I don't think it would work in any of the cities where it's really needed. Too many people think the perp is the victim .... There would be chaos.

Singapore still publicly humiliates offenders ...... Back when Clinton was President, he actually involved himself in a case of some rich American brat in Singapore to get him off the hook ..... At the time, I thought that was the lowest a president could go ... I have been proven wrong about that many times since.
Oh, and there is very little crime in Singapore.
Well you could point out how little theft there is in saudi arabia because hand amputation is the penalty. You arent going to see this happen here though.
I mean you couèld station police snipers above intersections and shoot jaywalkers on the spot, that would stop the crimes.
I personally am not for public execution and torture etc.

Generally, a person who does shit like that, was treated horrendously bad as a child and had an abhorrent upbringing.

For this reason, I think our founders had it right. No cruel and unusual punishments.

Yes, execute murderers and people who attempt murder. Yes of course prison and execution in some cases for rape etc. Yes of course jail for thieves.

The one thing I would like to see, like the black lives matter protectors who burned and broke things is the punishment should be having to mitigate the damage they caused. If they burned a building, then their punishment is rebuilding that building until it is restored to how it was.

Maybe something like that.
I sure would love to see it happen but I have to vote No because that would be giving the Government a whole lot of extra power and leverage over citizens. If you do not think that this would be a slippery slope that would go bad really quickly then you are not using your imagination.
I think that public execution of murders and child rapist (to name two crimes) would be fine and dandy. part of the problem is that the US has sanitized things to the point that people don't get the full impact of the sentence so yes we put a person on death row and 15 years later he she it gets executed. but nobody other than his family really gets the message. It should be front page news, on the TV live hangings or firing squad. neither of these require the help of a physician, nor of any left wing cause or entity.

I personally am all for hanging, as the rope is reusable which makes it ecologically sound... then incinerate the body and dump the ashes in a river.. why waste money on a grave.
Yet there are many other people who had a piss poor childhood and didn't turn into psychopaths. They still made the choice to commit the crime.

That said, our "justice" system is screwed. I recently had jury duty and after sitting through all of the trial was excused (15 jurors, they pulled numbers out of a hat before deliberations). I was fully convinced that lady was innocent and would have convinced everyone else or hung the jury. They found her guilty.
Yet there are many other people who had a piss poor childhood and didn't turn into psychopaths. They still made the choice to commit the crime.

That said, our "justice" system is screwed. I recently had jury duty and after sitting through all of the trial was excused (15 jurors, they pulled numbers out of a hat before deliberations). I was fully convinced that lady was innocent and would have convinced everyone else or hung the jury. They found her guilty.
I had an interesting childhood. mom divorced while I was one, and then remarried. step father was an electrical engineer at a power plant so we were middle class for the most part, then they divorced right back down to the bottom. no chance to go to college with no cash, so off to the military. one does what one must but that does not mean that one must break the law to do it.

some people are just worthless and need to be eliminated form the DNA pool. its not like the world is hurting population wise. eliminate tomorrow everyone in jail all over the world and we lose what .14% of the entire worlds population?

yes I know the US has about 1% we are currently the second highest. so round the entire world up to 1% the same as the US. of that 1% maybe 1% of them are innocent. suck to be them, but execute them all down to the guy whole stole the ice cream form the neighbor kid. eliminate the turds to the last one and that would send a message reverberating up and down societies spine. and then continue to execute as needed. zero recidivism and overall crime numbers would drop rapidly as 90+% of it is repeat offenders.
I am sick of all the thefts, murders, rapes and assaults. Especially on children.

Should we bring back public humiliation with cages for the criminals and public hanging for the murderers?

FYI - My vote is a BIG YES!!! Couple of Cages and a Couple of Gallows in the middle of a city and crime would plummet.

I'll probably get a lot of hate comments for this but I'm curious how others feel.
I think you are looking for gibbets.

Now that would deter some crime.

Or we could do what the Turks did in Sinop.
Build a 1 room jail.
First criminal goes in.
Second person commits crime.
Take first prisoner out and shoot him and put second prisoner in his place.
Rinse repeat.

Instant crime deterrent.
Or we could do what the Turks did in Sinop.
Build a 1 room jail.
First criminal goes in.
Second person commits crime.
Take first prisoner out and shoot him and put second prisoner in his place.
Rinse repeat.

Instant crime deterrent.
that sounds like the right course of action to take to me. though I would temper it with only the hard crimes, murder rape depraved indifference child abuse, assault resulting in great bodily harm. stuff like that. drug dealers would be in there as well depraved indiference and bodily injury being what they are. if a person wanted to grow some pot or cook some meth and screw themselves up thats their business.
that sounds like the right course of action to take to me. though I would temper it with only the hard crimes, murder rape depraved indifference child abuse, assault resulting in great bodily harm. stuff like that. drug dealers would be in there as well depraved indiference and bodily injury being what they are. if a person wanted to grow some pot or cook some meth and screw themselves up thats their business.
I never got to ask them what constituted a crime then but they said it worked very well.
I never got to ask them what constituted a crime then but they said it worked very well.
yeah, i bet it did... imagine being the third guy and being locked up for 3 or 4 years prior to somebody else committing a crime that warranted the "treatment" living, praying hoping that humanity had risen above the petty shit that caused you to end up there simply so you would not die yourself... tend to make a believer out of you pretty quick I would guess, although a bit to late.
I am also tired of Tax payer money be using to keep murders and rapists well fed and housed for decades. The question for me is how many of these people actually committed the crime?
Time and time again we see people who were locked up in the 80s and 90s are actually just unlucky individuals who happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. After 40 years in jail they look at the crime scene DNA and find it doesn’t Match.
My alternative solution to the problem is put them to hard work so that prisons are financially self reliant.
My alternative solution to the problem is put them to hard work so that prisons are financially self reliant.
I agree but with everything you have to have oversight.
You end up with Shawshank Redemption.

Human nature is why we can’t have utopian societies people dream about.

Most people are good salt of the earth.
Then you have the ones who want it all while doing nothing.

Transparency and accountability would put a stop to a lot of this corruption.
As long as crimals know no accountability hey will do crime.

Kids calm down if know their ass will be spanked. When corporal punishment went away kids misbehaved. No consequences. Criminals are same.

Imagine Trump has felony and if in jail would you want him executed. :rolleyes:
As long as crimals know no accountability hey will do crime.

Kids calm down if know their ass will be spanked. When corporal punishment went away kids misbehaved. No consequences. Criminals are same.
Imagine Trump has felony and if in jail would you want him executed. :rolleyes:
hence it needs to be for serious stuff like murder, rape child abuse and drug pushers/etc. simple business crimes unless depraved indiference can be shown to have caused the victim to commit suicide etc, then no.
I am also tired of Tax payer money be using to keep murders and rapists well fed and housed for decades. The question for me is how many of these people actually committed the crime?
Time and time again we see people who were locked up in the 80s and 90s are actually just unlucky individuals who happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. After 40 years in jail they look at the crime scene DNA and find it doesn’t Match.
My alternative solution to the problem is put them to hard work so that prisons are financially self reliant.
Robby I am unsure because a lot of the people getting off are getting off on technicalities. Not nearly as many with DNA proof etc as they bray about.
There are some strong cases for innocence but just like any other entity that makes money via fundraising for something they do.... I question their motives on everything.
Robby I am unsure because a lot of the people getting off are getting off on technicalities. Not nearly as many with DNA proof etc as they bray about.
There are some strong cases for innocence but just like any other entity that makes money via fundraising for something they do.... I question their motives on everything.
Kamala Harris was a prosecutor for years. Do you want people like her deciding who has committed a crime that comes with the death penalty? There are too many laws on the books that allow bad actors to prosecute anyone they dislike. I would be on board with the death penalty for more crimes but the "system" as a whole is so flawed in many places its hard to give them even more power.
Yet there are many other people who had a piss poor childhood and didn't turn into psychopaths. They still made the choice to commit the crime.

That said, our "justice" system is screwed. I recently had jury duty and after sitting through all of the trial was excused (15 jurors, they pulled numbers out of a hat before deliberations). I was fully convinced that lady was innocent and would have convinced everyone else or hung the jury. They found her guilty.

Right. So I knew a girl who's dad raped her from the time she was a toddler until she was a teen.

After she finally figured things out and said no more and got him busted, she started act out.

It was just a phase and nothing too egregious.

Yes, she had to be punished for her behavior bit publicly humiliating her wouldn't really have been in appropriate.
Right. So I knew a girl who's dad raped her from the time she was a toddler until she was a teen.

After she finally figured things out and said no more and got him busted, she started act out.

It was just a phase and nothing too egregious.

Yes, she had to be punished for her behavior bit publicly humiliating her wouldn't really have been in appropriate.
was her name ashley biden?
Kamala Harris was a prosecutor for years. Do you want people like her deciding who has committed a crime that comes with the death penalty? There are too many laws on the books that allow bad actors to prosecute anyone they dislike. I would be on board with the death penalty for more crimes but the "system" as a whole is so flawed in many places its hard to give them even more power.
you had to go there... damm thats a hard one to argue with.
you had to go there... damm thats a hard one to argue with.
That was what I was hinting at .
This power will be in the Hands of both the Democrats and Republicans. After one election cycle it could be a very bad year for a lot of Republicans on the List and Vice versa.
Dead men tell no tales, so they would love this kind of power. I prefer giving prisoners hard labor and making prisons profitable. Chinese prisons actually generate Money for the country!
If people are convicted for political reasons then it won't be more than a 4-8 year sentence until a change of power occurs.
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