diy solar

diy solar

Curios Kat: Covid Vs. Production


Works in theory! Practice? That's something else
Sep 20, 2019
Key Largo
Ever feel like poking around to take a look at weird things?

This morning I was updating my monthly production numbers for March
and it occurred to me that there was supposed to be a bump in production
due to the Covid shutdowns producing less pollution:

Pollution levels were down by about 50 percent after the shutdown, they found. As a result, the total output from the solar panels was increased by 8.3 percent in late March, and by 5.9 percent in April, they calculated. 2020 ref

Given I live in paradise with great air quality (except pollens ?) I didn't expect anything. I saw +4% for March and +1% for April. However, overall I produced about the same each year - so no actual uptick.

If your the curious sort and happen to track your production data, did you see any upticks that correlated to lock-downs?

diy solar

diy solar