diy solar

diy solar

Epropulsion external battery issues


New Member
Jun 29, 2024
The Netherlands

We own a Spirit 1.0 plus battery and bought an external battery from a different brand and a self-made cable (by the battery shop) to Connect it to our epropulsion electric motor from a batterij shop. But now the normal epropulsion battery doesn’t work anymore. It is not the battery because we tried it on another Epropulsion motor and there it worked.

Does somebody recognize this? And does somebody have both the epropulsion battery and the external battery from a different brand working on a Epropulsion? And if so, how did you beat the (Epropulsion) system?



We own a Spirit 1.0 plus battery and bought an external battery from a different brand and a self-made cable (by the battery shop) to Connect it to our epropulsion electric motor from a batterij shop. But now the normal epropulsion battery doesn’t work anymore. It is not the battery because we tried it on another Epropulsion motor and there it worked.

Does somebody recognize this? And does somebody have both the epropulsion battery and the external battery from a different brand working on a Epropulsion? And if so, how did you beat the (Epropulsion) system?


This doesn't make sense. The ePropulsion Spirit plus is allowed to work from any 48V battery (staying under the 60V cap). They even sell a cable from the manufacturer to allow easy hookup. You might try joining the owner's group on Facebook to get a more targeted audience.

edit: Unless perhaps your battery shop modified the cable in the outboard unit that plugs into the spirit battery to add in power leads and somehow cut the data lines (because they are not used with a non-eProp battery), thus when you try to plug back in your Spirit battery it doesn't have those communications to the motor. Just guessing here.

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diy solar