diy solar

diy solar

How many mods does it take…


Solar Enthusiast
Jan 13, 2022
How many mods does it take to ban a spammer?

Only one, but he has to be awake.

P.S. Thanks for all your work to keep this fine place up and running. Banning the spammers who get through may sound like not that much work, but there's still the constant trying to watch over all the threads even if you don't actually have to do anything with them, which takes its toll.
It's not like I scan the entire forum, but I see maybe one spammer a week and they usually only survive for an hour. Mods do a good job.
Great job Mods!

I noticed a spammer (tons of Chinese characters), marked one post as report “spam” and by the next morning it was all gone! You do a great job!