diy solar

diy solar

how to wire up eight 12 volt batteries to get 24 volts,


New Member
Dec 1, 2019
Hey guys, I need some help, I'm new and learning, I'm wanting to build a system with (8) 12 volt batteries to get 24 volts
and i have been googling but cant find much on how to do 8 batteries?
would it be like in these pics, just basically add more batteries to the center (in between the top 2 and bottom 2 batteries) wired the same way as the 2
batteries next to them?

?battery conections.jpg
Same setup we currently have
Best is method 4. With 12V batteries that will be 24 Volts. For 8 batteries, do it twice. Then consider each group as a single battery, parallel them together taking positive off one group and negative off the other group.

@Simi 60 Read this:
Your suggestion works, but is the worst way to connect a bank of batteries.
When I said same method we currently have it was more the 8 x12 into 24v
When I said same method we currently have it was more the 8 x12 into 24v
You should read the article. What you posted would have the batteries closest to the top of the diagram working twice as hard as the bottom batteries. With lead acid batteries the would over time result in sulfation and shortened battery life. The connections should be made so that the batteries are equal. Method 3 or 4 in that article describe how to do that.

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