diy solar

diy solar

Hybrid battery add-on


New Member
Jan 21, 2020
I have been thinking about this for a while. I don't need them, but there is some primal force that has me constantly thinking about batteries. My existing setup uses a whole house generator to solve the "no grid" situation. But I am dependent on the propane truck getting to me before my three day reserve is depleted. I do not want to rework my entire setup. I just want to add batteries. I only want to use my batteries if I have grid and need more than I produce on a sunny day, or the grid is down.

I would set my genny to manual (if i am not on vaca). I would take a signal from my main transfer switch that starts my generator, and toggle another relay to would allow my battery bank inverter to supply a second, manual, selective transfer switch that has battery-sourced AC to feed some circuits. At all times I would be floating my batteries from the grid. The timer, in the diagram, would put the relay in mode 2 during the night. If I have not activated the circuits in that xfer switch, it is a 'do nothing'.

Please poke holes in my idea. I want to minimize new purchases, but have some battery protection. But, this is key -> I need the battery inverter to "fool" my grid-tie inverters so that they turn on. My main transfer switch will protect utility workers.


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There are safe ways to do this and still use your existing PV array. Check out the videos on Alt-E's YouTube page or contact our very own @SolarQueen (I think she own's Alt-E or is the face of Alt-E, not sure...).

Humbly and respectfully, please don't do this without seeking expert guidance (for example, a simple transfer switch is not sufficient to comply with most country electrical codes). What you do could literally put people's lives at risk.
Sorry for the delay. What you are proposing is called AC or DC Coupling, depending on how you do it. Please watch our video describing the 2 different solutions.
P.S. I'm not the owner of altE Store, I've just worked there for 12 years and make most of their videos, so my face is everywhere (it gets weird).

diy solar

diy solar