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diy solar

LIFEPO4 inline while charging?


New Member
Mar 31, 2024
Costa Rica
Hello All, I have a question that I cannot find the answer for anywhere. Perhaps someone here can help. I have a 24vdc~ gate motor, a 24v50ah Lifepo4 battery, and 120vAC line (unstable). Since my motor load is also 24v, Can I just put a Lifepo4 charger between the line and the battery? Power would go Line-->Charger-->Battery-->Load. That way, when the line fails, the load wouldn't know until the battery runs out. Also, since the charging voltage of the 24v Lifepo4 is around 29v, should I put a 24vdc buck converter between the battery and load to stabilized the voltage delivered to the motor?

Any guidance is greatly appreciated.

EDIT: As an update, I'm looking at this charger: and this buck:
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That should work as you explain it. I would add a MRBF fuse on the battery post. Fuse for whatever your wire size is. This should protect in the event of a short on the charger or load.

Del City has good prices on them. Amazon can't be trusted for fuses, to many fakes.
This depends on the charger. I would not leave a charger (especially with 29v) constantly connected to the battery.
This will cause faster degradation of the Lifepo4.

Personally, in your case I would at least put a voltage sensing relay on the charger (from line to charger) so that it will charge the battery when needed (when battery voltage goes under a certain threshold) and not constantly.
He did say it was a LiFePO4 charger - so it should shut off when the battery is topped up.

One other note - I would put a surge suppressor where the charger plugs in - if the power is dirty and damages the charger you will have to replace it.

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