diy solar

diy solar

Max Battery Configuration for Small Space


New Member
Jun 18, 2021
I am designing a battery for an RV that has a pretty small battery box. I'd like to figure out what the max capacity (24v or maybe even 48v if possible) I can fit in a box this size:

Length 17"
Width 13"
Height 15"

I'm pretty sure I could fit 8x of the 304ah prismatic cells for a 7300wh battery but is there another configuration that could possibly fit more?
I'm pretty sure I could fit 8x of the 304ah prismatic cells for a 7300wh battery but is there another configuration that could possibly fit more?
I think that's the best bang for the size. Trying to get a 48v battery in there would require cells to be less than half the capacity each so would be a net loss.

diy solar

diy solar