diy solar

diy solar

Midnite The One plan review, please


New Member
Mar 29, 2024
rural Madison WI
I am interested in using a Midnite The One in my home. To show how I propose to wire it to other components, I drew on its manual's p. 51 below as a ".png". I also attached my drawing as a ".pdf" so you can click on its links. Could you please criticize my plan? If I get past forum review, I will ask my inspector, who wants compliance with the 2017 NEC in Wisconsin, whether I can get a permit for it.

Here are a few specific questions:
- Is there a better Sunspec RSD receiver than the APSMART RSD-S-PLC I linked? (The One's manual p. 15 says "The built in transmitter is Sunspec compatible." It also says "MidNite Solar manufacturers String level Sunspec receivers that work with this inverter" but I could not find them by web search or calling Midnite or Current Connected.)
- I could imagine my inspector saying no to my proposed battery rack and bus bars and fuse holder, which seem not to advertise "UL-listed". How should I address this?

The much bigger questions are "Does my plan make sense?" and "Any suggestions to improve it?"

Thank you.


  • MidniteTheOne_wiring_v1.pdf
    500 KB · Views: 1

diy solar

diy solar