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diy solar

Mounting two Franklin WH aPower batteries exterior bedroom wall - noise / humming issues?


New Member
Feb 6, 2023
Santa Cruz, CA
The design for my whole-home solar & battery backup system has two Franklin WH 13.6 kWh batteries mounted on the exterior wall of a bedroom. I am sensitive to noise, and am concerned that these batteries may produce humming or fan noises that might be audible through the wall.

Before the design is set in stone, I would love to hear if anyone has experience with these batteries producing (or not producing!) noise audible from the interior, and any tricks that can mitigate this other than, obviously, placing them somewhere else.
Why did you select those batteries?
The EG4 Power pro batteries indoor and outdoor are completely silent, no fans in them.
The design for my whole-home solar & battery backup system has two Franklin WH 13.6 kWh batteries mounted on the exterior wall of a bedroom. I am sensitive to noise, and am concerned that these batteries may produce humming or fan noises that might be audible through the wall.

Before the design is set in stone, I would love to hear if anyone has experience with these batteries producing (or not producing!) noise audible from the interior, and any tricks that can mitigate this other than, obviously, placing them somewhere else.
As Quattrohead said, there are plenty of other fish in the sea without fans. However, the EG4 inverters are really noisy, I'm glad my 18Kpv pair is in a concrete building 250 feet away from the main house. What inverters are you planning?
Ok thanks for the input! Let me try to answer the questions that were posed. I am having a company design and install this system. So I had to hand it off to them and hope they do a good job.

The Franklin WH batts were selected because they offer their 12-year warranty support for power systems that utilize generators, as ours does (provided the generator is one of a few Franklin-approved models). Our installer is certified by Franklin. The other battery option offered to us, Tesla, was not appealing because I choose not to support that company.

The inverter selected looks to be Enphase IQ8X microinverters, going on REC 460w panels.
That is going to be an excessively expensive system and who knows if they will be around for that 12yr warranty. I have barely heard of Franklin compared to the other names you read about on here.
I am having a company design and install this system. So I had to hand it off to them and hope they do a good job.
Uh, yes and no
You hand off requirements, and get back a design. And then check/compare if design truly meets your requirements, or at least in a sufficient manner. The challenge is when your requirements evolve as part of the education process. Contractor design time isn't 'free'
And for warranty purposes, sometimes close enough is just that (ie Contractor certified on Product #1, and you Prefer Product #2... you may reasonably go with Product #1 to stick with the contractor)
- some warranties / certified installers aren't worth much, with contractor basically pointing you back to mfg for all future issues. is labor of service call covered, and for how long, etc. Same (or especially) up on the roof? I specifically chose an installer/warranty such that well into retirement I wasn't expected to go onto 2nd story Spanish concrete S-tile roof, lift panel and photo micro-inverter to get warranty support. Chance of being up for that at in post-retirement age is exactly zero (not worth risk).
- Roof or ground mount panels? if roof mount, how old is roof/when last significant maintenance performed? I did full lift 'n lay a couple of years prior to solar install, and my roofer maintained the whole roof warranty of I used certain solar install companies (which I did)... as solar install roof warranties are near worthless/pointless [understandable installer does NOT want to assume responsibility for old/problem roof, but careless worker's can cause damage outside of penetration points... no good answer that I'm aware of]

I'm guessing/Presuming a grid-tied, permitted/inspected setup, right?
Personally, I've liked the more educational, less sales-y approach Julian of Julian Solar Consulting takes. He has recently reviewed whole house battery systems. He explicitly mentions he does not cover the DIY market/offerings

See Will's video on why his house's grid-tied inverter is the Canadian Solar EP Cube (granted, much of his loads are off-grid ;^) so I'm guessing he doesn't need large Inverter output when grid-down (again, presuming his A/C units that he'd be running in a grid0wn situation would NOT be powered via main/critical load panels, but to other off-grid power systems ... or he may have covered all that in a video I didn't watch...

Thinking of the location, where is your meter/main load center? any sub-panels? and need for service or main panel upgrades with this system install?
Is you main load center outside your bedroom? seems an odd install location to pick... presuming north side of house, always shaded and easy wiring location? Any reason to not put inside garage?
Battery longevity improved with moderate temps. But I'm guessing your temps are similar to mine (presuming you location up-to-date and you aren't up in mtns and even then, that close to coast... ) outdoor temps are moderate enough to not really be an issue. Even with never getting below freezing, and very rare to get above 90F, I'm still planning an in-garage battery install (other side of wall from my meter/main load center)

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