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diy solar

MTS vs SubPanel for Sungoldpower SPH10K48SP


New Member
Jun 13, 2022
HI all,

I've got an SPH10K48SP on the way and was hoping to use it as a UPS(EPS) for critical loads. My preferred setup would be with a Reliance Controls 10-circuit MTS, to allow "a la carte" switching between inverter/grid power per circuit. My concern is that this MTS only switches the hots and not the neutrals. A subpanel arrangement would let me have all load/neutral wiring isolated and can get me more than 10 circuits if desired, but it's then all-critical-loads-or-nothing as to source of power.

My concern stems from recently learning that the trendy portable all-in-ones (Ecoflow in particular) do not allow you to have the inverter receiving power from mains while also powering circuits that share the same neutral as the mains that is feeding the inverter, else they let out the magic smoke. In other words, they require neutral switching (making the setup an SDS) to allow you to have a UPS arrangement.

Does anyone know if this would be an issue with the SPH10K48SP?
In other words, could I have the SPH10K input connected to utility power from the main panel while its output simultaneously goes to a MTS and powers loads without switching the neutral? Meaning the critical loads will have their neutrals coming from the main panel at the same time as the inverter is fed the same neutral. The manual for the SPH10K mentions phase synchronizing and also a setting for N-G bonding (which by default is disabled), so I'm wondering if perhaps these features mean it will indeed play nice with the Reliance MTS, or do I absolutely have to go the subpanel route to have the loads covered with automatic internal switching between PV/batteries/grid by the SPH10K?

Thanks in advance!

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