diy solar

diy solar

need help sizing and wire size for new system


New Member
May 11, 2023
travelers rest sc 29690
want to configure a solar system for off grid, that will be sufficient to power a small crypto mining farm..
duke energy is eating us alive with $1000.00 power bills... would rather use solar and put that monthly bill towards paying for my own power uses about 10000 watts.
Sorry, your head may explode with the info, but -

This subject has come up a few times, search 'crypto' and read all of those.

Go here

Put in your address and see what the panel tilt needed is along with how many hours of sun you can expect. We take that number and divide your daily use by it. That is the minimum size pv install you can have.

10Kw, is that per day? You don't mention the size of the farm. Does that 10Kw include cooling?

And 10Kw seems awfully round, real figures are critical if you intend to get a good size on a pv array and battery.

diy solar

diy solar