diy solar

diy solar

Need help with connecting in parallel


New Member
Dec 15, 2020
I have a problem with connecting my panels in parallel. It´s not about the concept of how to do it, I understand that. My problem is more mechanical. (If that´s the way to put it.)

I want to connect them in the pattern that is shown in the attached image. The problem is that the cables are about 1/2 ft. too short... so frustrating. I need ideas on how to be able to make the connection. I thought about getting an extension but the shortest I can find is 3 ft. long which seems excessive in this situation. Plus I felt like maybe having too many points of connection will reduce the efficiency.


  • WhatsApp Image 2021-06-14 at 12.49.36.jpeg
    WhatsApp Image 2021-06-14 at 12.49.36.jpeg
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You can get MC4 extension cables at various lengths. I'm sure you'll find a source online. I got some 1meter extensions on Aliexpress.

Also, you could just make your own, if you by the cables and crimp the connectors yourself. It's not that complicated.
Good luck !
Will having the extensions reduce the efficiency of my array?
Will having the extensions reduce the efficiency of my array?
Probably not, if you get the proper guage sizing. Try to match the AWG of the wires coming out of the panel and you'll be fine, especially for short distances.
Okay, thanks for the help guys. Gonna look around and see if its cheaper to make my own or buy pre-made. I suspect making my own would be more expensive since I don´t have the MC4 crimper.
If it's cheaper to buy your own, then you've bought bulk MC4 connectors that are likely of lower quality than reputable pre-made cables and may not carry rated current.
Looks like you only have 2 panels in series before putting the pairs in parallel. Depending on your charge controller you can put more in series to reduce the lose on the wire. I only bring it up because I was planning to put all my panels in parallel on my camper to avoid any shading reductions then when they arrived I realized they are designed with the attached wires to connect in series next to each other. I have a 100/30 MPPT so It was way easier to connect 4 in series on one side of the roof and the other 4 in series on the other side of the roof then parallel them at the entry to the camper. No I only have 6A going down my 10G wire so plenty of conductor for the wattage.
I use screwed butt connectors to join my panels outside into my chargers, crimp butt connectors are just as good. Adding a couple of feet to a wire is negligible impairment.
I use screwed butt connectors to join my panels outside into my chargers, crimp butt connectors are just as good. Adding a couple of feet to a wire is negligible impairment.
That works too, only downside is it may void the warranty of the panel if you cut off the MC4, depend on the maker.

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