diy solar

diy solar

Panels Facing South But Different Pitches


New Member
Sep 11, 2023
Huntsville, TX
I’ve got 10 panels on a 4/12 pitch roof and an additional 4 panels higher up on a 8/12 pitch. All are facing south. Is there some program or app that would tell me if it would be more optimal to run them separately in two separate series or if it would yield similar results to run them all in series? I could experiment but would have to run a separate set of PV wire to do it.
Separate gives more yield.
All panels in a series string should face the same direction and angle.
Separate planes should be on separate strings.
If you are running 10S be certain your mppt can handle the max VOC you will see, make sure you calculate cold temperature voltage rise as well.
Also keep in mind a 4S string may not meet the start up voltage required for some mppts.

Pvwatts. Gov is an excellent site to provide info based on string size and angle.
Suncalc. Org is an excellent site to simulate sun angle and shadows throughout the year.
I have two arrays set up on two different pitches, one is at 4/12 and the other is at 8/12. The power generated is not the same and why I believe you should sperate them.

If rapid shutdown is required their is a minimum number of RSD's needed per string for it to work. SMA requires 6 min RSD's. Tigo and others may be different.

diy solar

diy solar