diy solar

diy solar

Pond Aeration


New Member
Jul 13, 2024
Hello all. I am brand new to solar power and have zero experience. I am wanting to create an array that will power my pond aeration. This is a project that likely won't be done until next year, but in the meantime, as I'm reading and learning more, I would like to begin purchasing the needed components as money allows. So, I'm hoping y'all can help me out in determining what components I will need.

The main aerator is a 120v 550 watt, 4.58 amp air compressor that will run 12 hours a day.

The secondary aerator is a floating fountain that is 120v, 40watts, 0.55 amps that will run 24 hours a day.

I live in MIssissippi where it rarely gets below freezing out, but it does at times get below 20F for several days in a row.

So, I need to know everything... how many/size panels, what kind/size of inverter, what kind/size of charge controller, how many and what kind of batteries?

Thank you in advance to anyone that's willing to help.

Are these plug in devices that you can hook a kilawatt meter to? For the battery bank, how many days battery back before switching to the grid or put a generator in line to this for the cloudy rainy days?

Batteries to freezing will limit you to Lead Acid or Sodium unless you build some type of heated shelter. Really only care about record cold, that is what the system will be built to unless its heated or shut off on those Cold days. Also, not sure what inverters the size you're asking for can be put directly outside, so a shelter may be required for that.

The surge for an air compressor could be a problem. I feel you need to guess to find out the inverter that would handle the surge. a 2 kW to 3 kW may work, and a better brand would be more likely work. You'd want something with grid tied capability for rainy days, a Victron Mulitplus could work, or for a backup generator with auto start a different model.

Back of the napkin math says you use 6.6 kWh of power a day, I'd recommend a 13 kWh Lead Acid Bank, or a 10 kWh Lithium bank for a single days use. Depending on your area, 3 kW - 6 kW of solar panels would work for a sunny day. For better data go to the solar calculator in my signature block.
Use a solar generator like Bluetti, EcoFlow or Anker, then you can use it for emergencies and portable.

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