diy solar

diy solar

Power out put pf panel compared to inverter


New Member
Mar 12, 2021
ok,hyper thetical question, lets say i have a 200 watt panel. and a 400 watt micro inverter, 220 volt out put, line 1 and line 2 with neutral.
all other aside from loss, sun,ect,
does a micro inverter put out 200 watts per line
if i am only putting 200 watts, will my inverter put out 200 watts per line, or 400 watts per line, all else aside and no problems
ok,hyper thetical question, lets say i have a 200 watt panel. and a 400 watt micro inverter, 220 volt out put, line 1 and line 2 with neutral.
all other aside from loss, sun,ect,
does a micro inverter put out 200 watts per line
if i am only putting 200 watts, will my inverter put out 200 watts per line, or 400 watts per line, all else aside and no problems
A 200 watt panel has a maximum output of 200 watts under laboratory controlled conditions.
A micro inverter is not a power amplifier; a micro inverter puts out a little less, not more, than a panel's output.
ok, so the output would only be what the panel is outputting, so in a cloudy day i may only get 100 watts output,it just will never go over the 200 watt panel max

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diy solar