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diy solar

Powerwall 10.5KE, 200AP, LifePO4, RJ Energy - Experience/Opinion


New Member
Oct 8, 2020
Looking to upgrade and expand capacity of my 6 volt Deep Cycle battery (16) storage system.

I"m interested in the RJ Energy 10.5KW configuration 4 of them. The price point is about 11,000. for over 40KW a bargain to anything else I have been able to research. Has anybody purchased this product? Had a Positive or Negative experience with RJ Energy? Any other proven product suggestion with comparable specs and comparable price point? Any thoughts or suggestions that will help me in my confidence in my decision. I have seen a few comments about RJ Energy in other threads but nothing definitive and specifically about this product (10.5KW Powerwall) before I make the commitment.

Would love to hear from the forum especially if you used this company.

RJ Energy PowerWall 10.5KW.jpg


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diy solar