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diy solar

Solar recommendations for a DJI Power 1000


New Member
Jul 18, 2024
New Orleans
This is my first venture into solar which I've started with a DJI Power 1000 power station. I would like to put the max solar 800W into it via two DJI MPPT controllers. Each MPPT has three XT60 ports and can take a maximum of 400 watts per controller and 200 watts max per XT60 port. I want to over build my solar to around 2000W so I can get the max wattage as often as possible into the power station. Would it be feasable to use one or more external third party MPPT controllers to get the current to where it needs to be into the DJI MPPT controllers? Which MPPT controllers would you recommend that have good granular control of the voltage? The panels will be about 100 feet away from the power station. My plan is to purchase some used panels that are 250-400W per panel.
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This is my first venture into solar which I've started with a DJI Power 1000 power station. I would like to put the max solar 800W into it via two DJI MPPT controllers. Each MPPT has three XT60 ports and can take a maximum of 400 watts per controller and 200 watts max per XT60 port. I want to over build my solar to around 2000W so I can get the max wattage as often as possible into the power station.

Would it be feasable to use one or more external third party MPPT controllers to get the current to where it needs to be into the DJI MPPT controllers?

No. MPPT are chargers and require a battery at their output. The MPPT of the unit is not going to supply a battery voltage to it's PV input.

Which MPPT controllers would you recommend that have good granular control of the voltage?

None as it's not a viable approach.

The panels will be about 100 feet away from the power station. My plan is to purchase some used panels that are 250-400W per panel.

It's important that you observe the input restrictions. 32-58.4V, 400W max, 8A max.

400W/8A = 50V. That means you MUST have panels/array capable of outputting 50Vmp, which would put your Voc around 62.5V. This is a tall order.

You need to keep these numbers in mind when selecting panels. It will be very easy to miss/exceed those targets and end up with very disappointing performance.

Given the distance, you need to drive the voltage as high as practical and likely use beefed up wire unless you're okay with wiring losses.

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