diy solar

diy solar

Solar Shed


New Member
Jul 8, 2023
Hello, I have been kicking around putting my inverter and batteries in my shop that is 100 feet from the house then running AC wires to the house. Why, less intrusive to the house. First off is there a downside to this? Details: Sinclair Ground mounted 30 Bluesun 550 watt panels. These will be 3 strings of 10 in series. The array is right behind the shop. The Inverter is EG4 18 KPV. Batteries are EG4 Life Po, 6 of them. My original plan was to just put them in the basement and run the DC to the Inverter. I'm just weighing both options. Thank You for any help or opinions.
100ft distance is good. I built a shed and was too lazy.. to save 1 of the 4 walls, I built the shed attached to the house under a 3' overhang.
I regret this now.

100ft distance = saves your house in case of a battery fire.

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diy solar