diy solar

diy solar

Southern California Orange County / Mission Viejo Area - Solar Hybrid Install


New Member
Apr 15, 2021
Rancho Santa Margarita, Ca
I'm looking for a full service electrician/contractor who can help in planning, purchasing and installing a solar hybrid system for my ~2400sqft 2-story home that has a Concrete/clay/tile roof. I'm looking to generate at least ~1500kWh monthly and backup for 2- 3 days. I'd like a grid-tie system that can help work with the tiered energy plans we have here with Southern California Edison.

I also need help Im in LOng Beach Calif,,,.I need a reliable company that will set me up with a solar...I need it ASAP ..Before Nem 3.0 passed on April
I'm in Irvine and researching the same things. I want an 8-15 kW grid tied system with Hybrid Inverter, but plan to add battery backup later, unless it makes more sense to do it now.
I haven't found an installer yet, but glad to share my research links. I'm basing rough hardware costs based on solar stores in Chino, Oregon and Texas.
Curious if any of the above members have tried to pull an Owner-Builder permit and stipulated they would be hiring licensed contractors for the install. There was a recent thread on the Forum regarding this issue. Also, have any of you tried to applying for a permit online. State law was supposed to require a streamlined permitting process with fee caps.

I believe the problem you may find is your "ask" is unrealistic. In the same sentence the words "help" and "full service" are used. If you want full service then do some research and feel free to ask questions here. Decide what equipment you want and get 3 quotes for turn key installations. Yes, you will pay more for this. If you want to save money then you have to be willing to do some work. As in designing the system and getting it through the permitting process THEN call in an independent electrician to do the install. You are not going get a low price from a contractor if they have to do ALL the work.
Tesla roof and wall. Spend a hundred grand. That’s what my neighbor did. The other companies want to install and sell you the power at a fixed rate - a ‘solar lease’. Pfft
Another ‘solar and roofing company’ wanted $15k for a $5k reroof, then panels for $5/watt.
Dear lord. So-cal energy companies really don’t like solar.
I’m getting the hell out. ?
Curious if any of the above members have tried to pull an Owner-Builder permit and stipulated they would be hiring licensed contractors for the install.
I did that in Sonoma County because my self install included a new main service panel and I had a good friend who was an electrician and had good relations with PG&E. That made the panel changeout seamless. I still had to fill out the extra pages which my County requires for owner builder permits. I did not use him for the solar install and I called for all the inpections which saved me the time the electrician would have had to be on standby.

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diy solar