diy solar

diy solar

Things to consider when you design your off grid setup.


This too shall pass
Jul 15, 2022
Much of the advice of designing a Off grid PV system involves gathering up your loads (watt-hours per day) and insuring that your inverter can handle starting and running wattage.

With your daily watt-hours you can look at how much solar panel wattage (rated) that will be needed to cover it. You need to have an idea of the average sun hours a day during the various Seasons that you can expect. Example is 2 hours in Winter, 5h in Summer. So if you had an average days usage of 15kWh this would give you 15,000Wh/2h=7500W Winter amount of panels or 15,000Wh/5h=3000W Summer.

Storage (Batteries) come into play because the sun does not shine all the time so you need to bank power when it does, to draw later when the sun is not out. Many folks try for at least a days worth of storage and maybe a week if they live in an area of long term poor weather. From the example of 15kWh that would than be the minimum storage for a day.

All well and good but averages do not really cover things. Likely you will have days of higher loads than others. For instance if you need to run Aircon and you get several hot days. If you only size for the average daily watt-hour usage you will find yourself running up short. This might work out if your storage is enough to cover the uptick and you then have several days of lower than average demand. It however will not work if the periods of high demand and low demand are too far apart.

If you are Totally Off grid you must plan for Base loads (loads that will run every day) Seasonal loads (loads that run based on the Season) and Peak loads (loads that are used as needs dictate).

Inevitably you will find that you have to pick a median where at times you have more PV production than you can use, or store, and times that you have insufficient supply to keep up with the demand. During times of shortfall is where having a fossil fueled generator can cover. There is also conservation where you decrease the number of loads that you place on the system.

diy solar

diy solar