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diy solar

Titan Generator w/extra Batteries and Solar Panels What Am I Missing


New Member
Jan 28, 2021
I have a finished-out 28-foot cargo trailer I use as my hunting residence/cabin. I typically connect to 30 amp shore power. I hunt and park it in West Texas with a ton of sun year-round. I'm a solar junky and I was bored, so I went looking for a new project to trick out my trailer. I have the perfect trailer to add solar so I decided let's take it totally off-grid. I started by purchasing eight 250-watt panels from SanTan. Then I moved on to researching what other components I needed.

I came across Will's YouTube videos and website and the wealth of information is awesome. Buying everything separately seemed straightforward, but putting it all together can get a little overwhelming. I'm not usually at my trailer long enough to hunt and do major projects, so figuring out how I'm going to get it all done before 2030 is my challenge. I watched Will's video about Point Zero Energy Titan Generators and instantly thought that is what I need! I can handle mounting the panels on the roof, wiring them appropriately, and connecting them to a Titan. Instead of plugging into 30 amp shore power, I can simply plug into the Titan 30 amp port. Am I missing something? Can it be that easy? What else do I need to consider?

The Titan ain't cheap, but everything is self-contained in a box where I can add as many batteries as I need with 2000 watts worth of panels keeping them topped off. That's way easier than parting everything together myself and hoping I do it right (watch Will's Top 10 Mistakes New DIY'ers Make). My only concern is my trailer is left unattended on the property for long periods of time. I'm not concerned about theft, but I am concerned about leaving the Titan and solar hooked up for that long. Should I be concerned about this or are there enough safeguards in the Titan to let it go? I appreciate your input!
Love this forum! @12VoltInstalls when I first glanced at your reply I thought, man I don't want that plastic box. Then I kept watching and I'm glad I did. Now I'm thinking DIY is the way to go. I need to do a little more research but I really appreciate your exposing me to an alternative direction that is just as doable as Titan or anything similar.
really appreciate your exposing me to an alternative direction that is just as doable as Titan or anything similar
Glad that proves useful.
For the rectangular coefficient of dollars it just makes too much sense, plus you can repurpose components and grow it if desired or necessary. The ‘flexible’ solution is less flexible, just a lot of money for a case with handles.
Then there’s the gains in available power aka storage battery capacity and output performance.
It’s like if camaro offered a optional 4-cylinder 150HP 5-speed cvt that included cheap commuter car seats, no back seat, no integrated audio system, and 14” wheels and tires that were not high speed rated- or you could get the above standard issue Corvette with its high-horsepower V8, nice seats, and world-class handling for 25% less money than the Camaro.
Which would you choose?!

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diy solar