diy solar

diy solar


B-ManFX4, so far, so good is correct. :)

still on target.:)

still spot on. :)

now we are getting into a gray area.:unsure: "yet external influences might cause":unsure:
"That says to me that a girl is a girl and a boy is a boy" I'm thinking it's because you may think it always works that way
but in my defective mind I see it possible for a boy to be born with male parts, yet female neurological connections, or a
female having female parts yet male neurological connections. which would make them gay(defects)

while I can believe there are people that may find a way to game the system for some personal advantage, but without the ability
to read minds I tend to stay away from "might cause"

I get that. it's either black or white. and if no kids are born with no male/female parts, or if no kid is born with both
male/female parts. I would have to agree with you. to me it seem kind of gray

there was a time when these type of defects would be handled quietly, left in the woods, or sent out onto the streets(this still happen daily) .
I have seen this happen.

if the people in blue are wrong, they've been duped
if the people in black are wrong, they be dicks
I get it's better personally to be a dick then duped, but not better for our kids IMO (they just end up on the streets)

I'll go back to lurking and enjoy the reading. Thanks!

I am not good at explaining myself so I appreciate your respectful banter and counterpoints. I appreciate you pointing out another angle to how people may feel or think. To be perfectly honest, I did not consider that a gay person would factor into transgender conversations. I know several gay people but none of them have ever talked about changing their sex or acted as if they were something they were not - another gender.

If a person is "cross wired" so they are mechanically a male but neurologically wired as a female, then they are no different than someone with some other "defect". Where my issue arises is when they insist on throwing their sexuality in my face. If someone is gay, fine. Live your life. Seek happiness through whatever means you wish, as long as it is legal. But don't try to tell me that it is "normal" or that I have to celebrate it. Keep sexuality in the bedroom. I don't tell anyone that I am heterosexual - quite frankly it is nobody's business what happens in my home.

I will still stand by my stance that people "identifying" as something they are not, and people acting as if it makes sense, is absurd and I refuse to participate in that nonsense.

I will respectfully request that you remain engaged if you feel we can continue banter that may help bring understanding.
Imagine sitting around watching this all day. Is it productive? This is feminism . Do gay men want to do this all day - dance? Men and Women are different.

If this was Nikki Haley think I know who would watch it all day. Hahaha
This is opinion, not fact. Remember most of the world thought the earth was flat and the moon was made out of cheese? Strong opinions dont make anything a fact. You are either a male XY or a female XX. Thats both science and Biblical.
you make me sick to share our state.

Science and the bible are incompatible.

You are also ignorant as shit and don't care about science.
you make me sick to share our state.

Science and the bible are incompatible.

You are also ignorant as shit and don't care about science.

Yeah, all you have to do now is figure out the next big lie to replace the silly big bang theory. Seems as if James Webb blew that one out of the water for you. Then you still have the very inconvenient Cambrian explosion to "explain" away. Last but not least - more and more true scientists are now dropping their ego and admitting Darwin was wrong.

Funny thing is - the Bible still stands correct when compared to what the physical data tells us. Intelligent design - it's not just for believers.

Funny how that works...
I wonder how long it will take cunts like Ryujin to realize that once all of the boomers and other reality-based Americans stop paying taxes, their stupid woke asses won't be able to free-load any longer?
if he was a cunt he could lay on its back and make a living... in his case I think he will have to take it like a man... even though he is fairly close to a cunt.
That meme will make some ppl’s head explode. Not sure it is true. The purpose is definitely get reactions.
is that your real pic? you're one ugly mother fucker
yep its that evil life I have lead... fortunately for me ghey little twat waffles like you are not interested in mean nasty old fucks like me. Ever wondered what its like to get a C4 enema? I got some det cord we can wrap it around your pecker and pop a cratering charge up your shit box and hook you up full on rock and roll
That meme will make some ppl’s head explode. Not sure it is true. The purpose is definitely get reactions.

The Supreme Court did make that specific ruling ..... That judge in the meme did tell the jury they didn't have to all agree on some of the charges .... I wouldn't predict anything from this F'd up justice system, but the basis is there for a mistrial ..... actually there are probably about 20 other reasons for a mistrial.
yep its that evil life I have lead... fortunately for me ghey little twat waffles like you are not interested in mean nasty old fucks like me. Ever wondered what its like to get a C4 enema? I got some det cord we can wrap it around your pecker and pop a cratering charge up your shit box and hook you up full on rock and roll
I doubt he is constipated might poop donuts turds. 😁 Think he wants a date. 😁😂
I am married with kids and to be honest I would do the lady at the donkey show in tijauna or the old skank on BC street at the banana show before I would pump some dudes hairy asshole.
But him seem so horny…used the F word like mad adult too. . Maybe he should move to San Francisco where they hump each other in public on public streets, … the police allow it there.

The Supreme Court did make that specific ruling ..... That judge in the meme did tell the jury they didn't have to all agree on some of the charges .... I wouldn't predict anything from this F'd up justice system, but the basis is there for a mistrial ..... actually there are probably about 20 other reasons for a mistrial.

diy solar

diy solar