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diy solar

UK Labour minister want to promote Roof solar energy


New Member
Oct 26, 2023
UK SE Kent
Just announce, Roof Solar energy promotion - I shudder at the prospect - given that we cant even regulate Electrician trades properly ie any chancer cant paint his van and offer electrical services/ odd jobber to the dumb Joe Public. No sanctions. As for Roofing - we all suffer badly as Roofers are renowned as the lowest pond life in construction trades.

My neighbour recently wanted to put his house up for sale. The Realtor advised him to remove the (old system) solar panels from his roof as this detracted from sale value by £10k, also made a poor appearance

Anyone else found a house devaluation because of a Solar installation, or maybe an insurance issue?
We have had roof PV panels mandatory on new builds with roofs pointing in the right direction up here in the North UK. Fine in principal but the houses are mainly sold to working families who are not in during peak production and the export rates are rubbish so not worth the bother. So they get the builders to stick the panels in the garage and fully tile the roof, builder ticks a box, owner gets on with life.

Good for me as I get new panels at low prices but typical Govt intervention results in unintended consequences.

Mine are all ground mounted, roof is clear and untouched since it was converted from thatch to slate in last 200 years or so. But I do have a large piece of ground.
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We have had roof PV panels mandatory on new builds with roofs pointing in the right direction up here in the North UK. Fine in principal but the houses are mainly sold to working families who are not in during peak production and the export rates are rubbish so not worth the bother. So they get the builders to stick the panels in the garage and fully tile the roof, builder ticks a box, owner gets on with life.

Good for me as I get new panels are low prices but typical Govt intervention results in unintended consequences.

Mine are all ground mounted, roof is clear and untouched since it was converted from thatch to slate in last 200 years or so. But I do have a large piece of ground.
Indeed, a ground array is a walk in the park - if you have the unobstructed space, and the time and interest in optomising your OG system. Selling to a Utility is a sick joke, not worth the aggravation. Making your own Lifepo storage is an art form just now and so much chicanery and Cheap Charlie stuff on the market. Go to envy the Ozzies, they have taken to it big time, with proper Government certified back up, inspection and grants - fair dinkum - but they got the weather (and UV hazard).
FWIW Andy a mad genius pumpernickel is the high priest of OG Solar. God bless him
Just announce, Roof Solar energy promotion - I shudder at the prospect - given that we cant even regulate Electrician trades properly ie any chancer cant paint his van and offer electrical services/ odd jobber to the dumb Joe Public. No sanctions. As for Roofing - we all suffer badly as Roofers are renowned as the lowest pond life in construction trades.

My neighbour recently wanted to put his house up for sale. The Realtor advised him to remove the (old system) solar panels from his roof as this detracted from sale value by £10k, also made a poor appearance

Anyone else found a house devaluation because of a Solar installation, or maybe an insurance issue?
Here the house value ( and mortgage a potential buyer can get ) is increased by panels
Ok and do you have local regulations regarding installation permission, inspection, electrical approval , permit to operate etc - given that a panel roof fire can burn your house down - or can a complete untutored novice just throw something together?

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