diy solar

diy solar

Unexpected benefit to full service passthrough style inverters


Solar Addict
Mar 14, 2021
Over the weekend we had a minor wind storm that led to two different outages. Thankfully I have enough batteries to get through these small outages easily. The problem wasn't the outages though, it was what happened for 1-2 hours after each of them. After the first one, the grid voltage was fluctuating between 285-290V for 1.5 hours. After the second one it got even higher, to around 300V. I already heard from a neighbor whose new clothes dryer and fireplace fan no longer function. I'm sure there are a lot more broken appliances in the area. Thankfully my system won't close the grid relays if the grid voltage is too high so everything in my house was protected.
The highest of the 5 minute readings from my sol-ark at 298V. Ignore the L1/L2 difference, that's just how the sol-ark reports it when the grid relays are open for some reason. The actual leg voltages were halfway between the two reported voltages here.


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diy solar

diy solar