diy solar

diy solar

Uninterruptible Power Supply for Aquarium


New Member
Feb 13, 2022
Once or twice a year, I lose power for a few days (up to 5). I'd love to be able to run my aquarium on battery power automatically when this happens. Ideally, I'd like to future-proof it a little and make something capable of handling a larger aquarium/power draw.

Current draw: ~150 watts. Around 50 watts is pumps/filtration that has to keep running and about 100 watts in lights that can be turned down/off if need be.
Future draw: Up to 450 Watts

1) Could I use a rack-mounted battery and an inverter with pass-through capability to automatically switch to battery power when the power goes out?

2) Since it will sit unused most of the year, how do I figure out the ideal voltage/% of charge to keep it at to keep the battery healthy?

3) If possible, I'd like to put the battery in the cabinet under the fish tank. Is there an enclosure that would make that safe?

4) In terms of the inverter, would I need to buy one for the current aquarium's draw and a new one for the future aquarium's draw? Its my understanding that inverters need to be sized to their usage but maybe the two are close enough.

5) Is there any way to know if 24/7 pass-through power is safe/reliable?

I've never done anything like this before so I'm pretty far out of my depth.

Also, sorry if this is a "just search the forum" level of question. When I search for uninterruptible power supplies in the forum, I find much larger, off grid systems.

Thanks so much in advance for any advice!
I would suggest you to get the Kill-A-Watt meter to monitor the W-hr you are using each day, may be collect the info for about 3 days to get the idea how much power you are using then go from there to figure out what the battery size you will need.