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diy solar

What is the truth about fake grade A cells


New Member
Sep 2, 2020
Dear Will, I watched a video that stated that it is "impossible" to build and sell a LF battery (100 amp hour) in the US for less than $600. The creator does a pretty clear explanation of all the costs to produce, transport and sell these batteries. His message is that if you spend less than x number of dollars for one of these batteries you are NOT getting grade a cells. ( possibly $600-700).
Is this true?
Thank you in advance for sharing your knowledge.
Interesting first post for a member that joined way back in 2020.
I discovered Will's YouTube channel after I retired. I have a VERY remote cabin in the Ozarks. I had planned to make it more comfortable by adding a window AC unit. Since retiring however, I spend a lot of time watching grand children. Back when I first started watching the channel, Battleborn Batteries were popular. A 100 amp hour was slightly north of $1000, if memory serves me. I have watched his reviews of many batteries and I love that he shares his knowledge with old guys who never messed with solar or Lithium batteries.
Mattb4, do you have an opinion regarding my question? I have never purchased a lithium battery or any solar stuff.
There is no video link, what are you talking about, is it a 12V pack, 24V or 48Vdc pack?
Mattb4, do you have an opinion regarding my question? I have never purchased a lithium battery or any solar stuff.
From all I gather ratings such a "A" grade is more of a marketing thing than one you can rely upon. Quality of lithium cells for sale does vary. I have done OK with low cost ones myself. Not a young guy myself and also live remote in the Ozarks of NW Arkansas.

LiFePO4 is a huge benefit over lead acid to be used for solar.
Here's the other side. THoughts?

some reading material:

Yes practically all of amazon batteries are grade B and have been for the longest time, few exceptions are the victron and the sok batteries. ]

As for performance, it depends, some ok, some meh, and some are trash.

For the most part you'll be hard pressed to find true grade A cells 100AH for less than $400.00, right now SOK is probably the cheapest legit battery brand, Then you have Sun Fun Kits and Epoch as close seconds. Also Aolithium is another good one.


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I am facing this issue,out of 32 cells of lfp,none have scanned out the truth. Some show 2010 to 2012 manufacturing. Whats the way out
How to make them discharge to load of deye battery port?
I will use them both

1st battery 10kwh
Narada cells 16s 100ah cells
Jk 200amp bms v15.18

2nd battery 5kwh
Highstar cells 100ah
Daly bms.

If I make both of them with jk bms,will it work under master slave configuration?

Only risk I want to avoid is thermal issues. I dont want to deal witth lithium fire.
Use them. It is not the end of the world. Yes, there will be some calendar ageing but if the capacity is good you can use them for storage for many years. Have you capacity tested them?
I did connect the battery to test it. I connected car charging at 2.8kw rate. Pls see the bms screenshot.and opine. Thanks.

First screenshot is at 99 percent capacity and second is at 40 percent capacity.
None of the cells had any labels.i identified them with Yellow dot on the top was similar to narada.after confronting him with the Google images result, he accepted it being narada and not highstar as he claimed.

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