diy solar

diy solar

What to buy?


New Member
Mar 24, 2020
I know nothing about solar generators to start with so I need some guidance. I live in SW Florida and want a back up source in case of a power outage/hurricane, this is the only time it would be used. I only need it to power a fan , I have two fans but probably will only run one while we are sleeping ( 8-9 hours). One fan runs at 89 watts ..800amps and the other 54watts at .445 amps @122volts each if I am reading my power meter correctly. The only other item I would be to charge my phone and to make a couple cups of coffee. I have yet to find a coffee maker with LOW voltage. I want to use one (Rich solar) 12 volt 200wt solar panel to charge the battery do to limited space. I am considering three chargers, Jackery 1000wt, Goal zero 1000wt and Blueyetti Maxoak. From the reviews all three seem to be pretty good and in my (social security) limited budget. Please help . I live in SW Florida so we do get plenty of sun even after a hurricane. Just in case I wanted to power something else I would want a generator that has some extra reserve power, hence my three choice's of generators. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.
Quick calculation, worst case:

Fan: 89W for 9 hours = 801Wh
Coffee maker (typical) 600W for, say, 30 minutes/day = 300Wh
Charging phone (assuming 2000mAh battery, empty to full) = maybe 16Wh.

Total for a day = 1.12kWh. Less if you go with the other fan.

To last a full day without recharge, of the ones you listed, the Blueyetti has 1.5kWh storage while the others sit around 1kWh. Assuming this is fully usable, and you can't recharge, that one would be best. Since you use solar and can recharge, I think pretty much any of them will do providing you can charge them back up with your available solar during the day. You state you have a 200W panel; if that would work in optimal conditions, you could recharge 1kWh a day assuming 5 hours/day of sun peak hours. In other words, I would go for the cheapest of the generators but maybe add another panel into the mix if possible.
make a couple cups of coffee. I have yet to find a coffee maker with LOW voltage.
Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.
Heat water with propane stove or gas and pour through paper coffee filter or a coffee press = 0 watts.

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