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diy solar

Which inverters and/or features for peak shaving?


New Member
Jul 17, 2020
Hey everyone, I'm in the process of looking at an inverter that will be able to do the following things and am getting analysis paralysis from the different terms. Are these the correct terms for the desired functions?

* Never export to grid = zero export

* Inverter only outputs power equal to or less than the amount of net demand during peak hours = peak shaving

* Inverter can charge batteries connected to it with DC solar PV input and/or external AC power (grid) and also use those batteries to power the house during an outage = hybrid inverter

Ultimately, I just want an affordable inverter that can handle peak shaving, has zero export ability so the utility doesn't know/care, and powers my house during an outage while still allowing my micro inverter solar to work. What type of inverter and terms should I be looking for that doesn't break the bank? I know sol-ark can do all that but the $7k price tag is steep.

It would be great to go off grid but that would need 30-50kwh for my home based on historic usage. Then there's high voltage vs low voltage batteries, which to use for my application, how to tell which inverters are compatible with which batteries, etc.

Thanks for your help!
Eg4 3000
Growatt sph 10000tl-hu-us
Thanks so much! My house can use up to 5kw during a spike when the AC kicks in, but then drops to 3-3.5kw. It looks like the eg4 3000 won't handle that on its own but would it be able to with my solar array (14.5kw)? My biggest concerns are making sure I buy a battery and inverter that work together, no magic smoke, and no house fires.

And both of these can be programmed for peak shaving and zero export? 🤞
Microinverters were mentioned so you will need an inverter that is UL1741SB compliant for AC coupling. Here a few alternatives that are less expensive than a Sol-Ark 15k.
Sol-Ark 12K
EG4 18kpv
Schneider XW Pro 6848. Note: This inverter has an AC charger built in but no Solar Charge controllers, those are separate.

In any case, the price is still going to be in the $5,000 range for just the equipment. Misc. wiring, equipment and installation will add more.

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diy solar