diy solar

diy solar


if 30 million people wrote in Nikki haley, then the votes are not counted because there are no electors for her
could they start a class action suit.
But biden gonna get 81 million plus 11 million illegals votes that be 92 million. If Trump be 74 million again where be that 30 million come from?
I didn't expect this one ..... Trucker protest of NY in protest of the bogus fraud case.

I think that will fizzle Sorry might be wrong but those independent truckers gotta make funds for payments and union can’t go on strike. Lot of truckers are not like truckers of old. The old truckers were cowboys on 18 wheels and owned their rigs. I could be wrong. The Demographics and who drives trucks now has changed though. I could be wrong because a lot of foreigners have in addition to blacks and hispanics - are coming over to Trump. They are associating with the way Trump has been and is being treated by the current system. Identifying - Identity Politics This is being discussed online from several sources everywhere. The only real tell will be november 2024 . There was suppose to of been a Red Wave in 2022.

The more Biden and others hammer Trump the more they make him a martyr … it will be seen as a revenge vote against the system. Blacks are not happy with Biden. Hispanics are not happy. Hmmm Democrats will have to double down on the cheat. So then there will be huge united group that might be real pissed off this time. This election is going to be dangerous no matter what. Last time some ppl voted Biden just to get peace vs MORE civil war from FINANCED blm antifa.

Remember when Reagan got elected all the communist stuff going on? The news media kept it hush hush.
how many people you know that would vote for biden?
my older sister is the only one I know. IMO it's Trump or stay home.

I hope he has a good day one plan.
None. Seriously I don’t know anyone this time. Last time knew a few. This time they are saying f joe biden. They are serious. The thought of Joe stealing so much money in last 50+ years has irked them. Them working at quick buy mini stores has them upset. Their work is gone and fuel + food inflation….. they are angry. Young ppl can’t afford homes now - hate Biden.
I think that will fizzle Sorry might be wrong but those independent truckers gotta make funds for payments and union can’t go on strike. Lot of truckers are not like truckers of old. The old truckers were cowboys on 18 wheels and owned their rigs. I could be wrong. The Demographics and who drives trucks now has changed though. I could be wrong because a lot of foreigners have in addition to blacks and hispanics - are coming over to Trump. They are associating with the way Trump has been and is being treated by the current system. Identifying - Identity Politics This is being discussed online from several sources everywhere. The only real tell will be november 2024 . There was suppose to of been a Red Wave in 2022.

The more Biden and others hammer Trump the more they make him a martyr … it will be seen as a revenge vote against the system. Blacks are not happy with Biden. Hispanics are not happy. Hmmm Democrats will have to double down on the cheat. So then there will be huge united group that might be real pissed off this time. This election is going to be dangerous no matter what. Last time some ppl voted Biden just to get peace vs MORE civil war from FINANCED blm antifa.

Remember when Reagan got elected all the communist stuff going on? The news media kept it hush hush.

I appreciate their sentiment .... but, I don't expect it to succeed either .... Never did see any effects of the recent convoy.
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how many people you know that would vote for biden?
my older sister is the only one I know. IMO it's Trump or stay home.
How about if they dump biden and run Kamala .... or Michelle ..... or Newsom?
IMO the problem trump is going to face is the female vote, mostly young females.
we seen how that played out at mid-terms.
Nikki wouldn't have that issue because of her stated approach.

if trump wanted to win, when asked anything about female heath issues he would say
that's between her and her doctor, or that's a state's issue, then nothing more.
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IMO the problem trump is going to face is the female vote, mostly young females.
we seen how that played out at mid-terms.
Nikki wouldn't have that issue because of her stated approach.

Nikki would have to have a thread all her own to cover all things Nikki ... a lot of things with her not as they seem .... start with the fact that her major donors are Democrats .... She is a war monger .... she would be a tool to help the globalist agendas
She would have no chance at the nomination under normal circumstances, but the time between now and the election is going to be anything but normal.

Eisenhower was before our time, but he tried to warn us about the military industrial complex as he was leaving office ..... Nikki and many of the other RINO types are fully controlled by the military industrial complex.

If you get time, watch the Tucker Carlson interview with Mike Benz to give you a little insight into some of that.
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start with the fact that her major donors are Democrats
Bob, I can see that as a good thing, the bigger your tent kind of thinking.
Eisenhower was before our time, but he tried to warn us about the military industrial complex as he was leaving office
that military industrial complex may be the only thing keeping manufacturing here in the USA, it pays our people good and add greatly to our GDP.
Nikki would have to have a thread all her own to cover all things Nikki ... a lot of things with her not as they seem .... start with the fact that her major donors are Democrats .... She is a war monger .... she would be a tool to help the globalist agendas
She would have no chance at the nomination under normal circumstances, but the time between now and the election is going to be anything but normal.

Eisenhower was before our time, but he tried to warn us about the military industrial complex as he was leaving office ..... Nikki and many of the other RINO types are fully controlled by the military industrial complex.

If you get time, watch the Tucker Carlson interview with Mike Benz to give you a little insight into some of that.
I think Eisenhower found God about that time. He became a church member. Think he was friends with Billy Graham. I read all about him once. He had a lot of demons and bones in the closet. He was chosen.
that military industrial complex may be the only thing keeping manufacturing here in the USA, it pays our people good and add greatly to our GDP.
Only if there is a perpetual state of war.
Bob, I can see that as a good thing, the bigger your tent kind of thinking.

that military industrial complex may be the only thing keeping manufacturing here in the USA, it pays our people good and add greatly to our GDP.
We use to do all kinds of manufacturing. I’d rather not be known as just a war monger. We have lot of ppl that need work. We have lot of debt to pay off We have a BROKEN country to fix.

Lot of military systems have china electronics inside now. We don’t have the manufacturing abilities of WW2. We would be in trouble if tried to be independent again. Take years to do that and we might not have time to get it done. Trump tried and did get lot of stuff back here. Solar panel manufacturing as well as other new things. I think a country has to be completely capable of closing our doors and still surviving. That means infrastructure. Sadly last checked Canada is biggest land owner here in USA. We’d have to ask them for land. I don’t think we own any auto makers which in past were retrofitted to fight wars such as WW2. Matter of fact sadly most of our infrastructure for transportation roads rail air sea has been neglected.
China had the Panama Canal security
China had troops in Canada
China waa moving into South America to build it up. Senator Rand Paul and Senator Cruz along with others tried to warn ppl.
China are in Mexico.
China are in Africa (china will screw Africa)
China took Sri Lanka Port as debt repayment
China supposed secured mining rights in Afghanistan are in there

The Chinese were training 100 engineers to or 1
The Chinese were training 100 special forces to our 1
The Chinese had 2x billionaires as USA
The Chinese are building new coal fired energy left and right …we are trying go green.

We keep looking at Russia……

Trump kept us out of War but sold Arms as that is our biggest product 😫☹️ If you give the enemy all your weapons than lost an advantage. Biden and Milley left billions of dollars of our weapons in Afghanistan Where did the Hamas m4 serial numbers trace out to?
Say what it is.. murdering unborn babies.
RussNM, can you see a reason for my inability to label it as murdering unborn babies?
I'll give you a hint, I'm male. even in the US 2000 females die each year in child birth.
I'll give you a hint, I'm male, I could rape a female, get her with kid then run and never
look back, who is left to pick up the pieces, the female victims.

IMO the government has no business getting into female heath issues, without a plan
to pick up all the pieces.

if I was female I would be very pissed right now.
RussNM, can you see a reason for my inability to label it as murdering unborn babies?
I'll give you a hint, I'm male. even in the US 2000 females die each year in child birth.
I'll give you a hint, I'm male, I could rape a female, get her with kid then run and never
look back, who is left to pick up the pieces, the female victims.

IMO the government has no business getting into female heath issues, without a plan
to pick up all the pieces.
You argument is interesting. “Rape a woman but run away leave pieces vs stick around?” Rape is a crime…

The duality of abortion law: it is either murder or there is no murder in anything. A woman gets abortion it is okay by law to murder… but if her husband murders her and she is with child then husband gets charged with 2 murders. That has happened many times. Should the murdering husband only be charged for 1 murder vs 2?

Why does a woman get to decide about abortion? Why is the man not allowed to financially abort putting all cost and future finance on the woman? The woman is empowered over the man with pregnancy The p trap.