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    • TommySr
      TommySr replied to the thread Trump.
      Delmar, sweet raised the bar
    • TommySr
      TommySr replied to the thread Trump.
      aenyc, was this what Sidney Powell/rudy Giulian working on in courts or 2000 mules :unsure: this shows how convoluted my question...
    • TommySr
      TommySr replied to the thread Trump.
      aenyc, your line above seems to imply that by default elections are stolen. if that is the case then we already know it's going to be...
    • TommySr
      TommySr replied to the thread Trump.
      aenyc, that does seem to simplify things, it's always stolen. :unsure: and the one that did the best stealing is certified Jan 6th...
    • TommySr
      TommySr replied to the thread Trump.
      I'm kind of wondering how you or I can confirm an election is lost or stolen :unsure: talking heads :unsure: thoughts of the one that...
    • TommySr
      TommySr replied to the thread Trump.
      a little humor to lighten the mood of the room. may want to wait a bit before going with ken's ideas. once these good old boys...
    • TommySr
      TommySr replied to the thread Trump.
      I just glanced, media is asking if it was a bullet or shrapnel 🤪 and musk's kid is firing back. 🤪 checked in at Breitbart jd vance...
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    • TommySr
      TommySr reacted to D71's post in the thread Trump with Like Like.
      Shhhhsss am with you about ROGER STONE. I can't stand that guy. To boot he is a back stabber.
    • TommySr
      TommySr replied to the thread Trump.
      D71, if you look up the word bogyman, there he would be
    • TommySr
      TommySr replied to the thread Trump.
      every time I see any of them walking dead hanging out in DC I think WTF is wrong with us. your mr trump included, he should be eyeing...
    • TommySr
      TommySr replied to the thread Trump.
      grizzzman, I'm not the sharpest crayon in this box, but even I knew he was gone long ago.
    • TommySr
      TommySr replied to the thread Trump.
      got to wonder, do the parties stay the same, but the groups that affiliate with them change over time. :unsure: we just get displaced...
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    • TommySr
      TommySr replied to the thread Trump.
      (folk music has been with us a long long time, mush longer then vance)
    • TommySr
      TommySr reacted to D71's post in the thread Trump with Like Like.
      Strange do you remember OBUMA drinking the Flint Michigan water? He must like the Taste of Michael's Weiner in his mouth better. No...
    • TommySr
      TommySr replied to the thread Trump.
      they would just sing songs louder (folk music has been with us a long long time) dems in the park
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    • TommySr
      TommySr replied to the thread Trump.
      that or age is taking my eye sight I bet 20 years ago I could connect the dots between group of Hamas terrorist supporters and China...
    • TommySr
      checkthisout, got to wonder if age plays a bigger role then ideology. by your post I'm guessing gen X
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    • TommySr
      TommySr replied to the thread Trump.
      grizzman, did'nt that already play out :unsure:
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    • TommySr
      Oh and BTW, I think reducing oil and fossil use is an excellent agenda. Fossil fuels are finite and should be preserved for a rainy day...
    • TommySr
      TommySr replied to the thread Trump.
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diy solar

diy solar