diy solar

diy solar

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  • Post in thread: Insurance Drops and Denial - It's now happening in our Neighborhood.

    There are some very strange "bedfellows" out there ... grid, banks, insurance, codes ... they are all in bed with each other to your detriment, and this indeed leads to mind-boggling scenarios and conditions/requirements. If you follow the money, it's all business. Businesses will try anything...
  • Post in thread: Power for the Homestead

    We "chose" to go off-grid, on our 40 acre homestead in southern colorado, and wanted to pass on to the readers of this forum both our reasoning for doing so, and the approach we took. Reasoning: We are off-grid by necessity; at the time of land purchase, we had no nearby power lines, and...
  • Post in thread: Is it possible to harvest and store enough solar in summer to carry you through winter?

    I think anything is possible, but it has to be done with the individual's (or family's) choices and tradeoffs in mind. If you have a Caviar lifestyle, it won't be as easy. What we noticed is that, when we went rural and off-grid, all service requirements plummeted, as in, we used less water...
  • Post in thread: Community grids?

    I went off-grid and diy to avoid all the grid madness ... regulations, costs, fees ... of course, I'm an individual, and there was nobody to argue with, except myself. If you put more than two people together, you've got instant politics, arguing, chaos ... and that's just for the "color" of...
  • Post in thread: Victron is Over-priced Eurotrash. Why would anybody buy Victron over an AiO?

    Perhaps another way to look at LF & HF inverters, beyond what types of loads (the old comparison between the two) it can easily handle is ... warranty: - If an HF inverter at only 1- or 2-yrs of warranty, it's not up to snuff for loads; needs more research as to what types of loads it could...
  • Post in thread: Looking for a propane inverter generator with Auto Gen Start Interface

    I have yet to see AGS & 2-wire support move down into the portable class of generators (anything with wheels). For AGS to work, the gen must also be auto-start, auto-choke capable, all of which adds complexity and cost. Whereas, AGS & 2-wire support is the bread and butter of the standby class...
  • Post in thread: All-In-WTF (AIW) - AIO Design Disasters ...

    Why I'm still buying old-school LF inverters such as Magnum 40xx's, and why I'm not really buying into the market's current AIO product scheme ... For decades, we had lots of wonderful LF inverters, from Magnum, Trace, Outback and many others. These things are big, heavy, and powerful...
  • Post in thread: My Base Electric Rate is Increasing by 31.5% Next Month

    There's "base cost", and then there's "fees" which are just another way to extract more money from everyone. Overall, the total bill is going up, along with constraints, restrictions, rules, regulations ... and more fees, as fast as they can find a "name" for the new fee. Put in a parallel...
  • Post in thread: Chargeverter alternative

    It would be interesting to see the exact use cases someone is envisioning ... I've seen most folks buying a chargeverter because they have a non-inverter generator with higher THD output ... the chargeverter eats this kind of high-thd power, and charges the batteries directly, for a cost of...
  • Post in thread: My Base Electric Rate is Increasing by 31.5% Next Month

    On other threads, and other forums, I try to encourage folks to read these documents: 1. your grid provider "contract" you sign to get the electricity turned on 2. your state's PUC "contract", that both you and the grid provider operate under These are intertwined, and do a good job of...
  • Post in thread: 12v or 48v system in RV?

    The beauty of parallel systems (48v and 12v), is that the 12v system isn't pulling/supporting any huge loads, so it's componentry is small and dedicated to all the 12v loads that others have listed in this thread. Many 12v loads in any typical RV setup, and having a parallel 12v system (with or...
  • Post in thread: Why the laser focus on Idle Power?

    Coming at it from a slightly different angle ... everything in your house is always on ... Wall-warts and various other SMPS power supplies, electronic devices that never really sleep, usb charging stations to keep all your phones & usb things topped off ... fridges, freezers, coffee pots and...
  • Post in thread: AIO vs separate components

    I'd tend to go with a component strategy ... and use an LF inverter, Tier-1 specs (Magnum, etc.) ... I'd estimate you'll get 5+ years of life easily out of the arrangement. Some folks sport longevity of 10+ years ... I'm over 5 on mine, and it's still going strong. If you go with the HF...
  • Post in thread: Big dreams, small living, off-grid homestead from scratch

    Don't know where you are in the overall scheme of things, but I did pretty much everything you are wanting to do, only 10 years earlier. We started with raw land (40 acres), and built mortgage-free and off-grid. My suggestions are: 1. get propane onsite, in bulk (we have two 500-gal tanks) 2...
  • Post in thread: Off grid people ill-prepared

    Agree w/ Steve_S ... we are totally off-grid (and never going back), and to everyone's nice lists of what to do & how to do it, I'd add: - build it yourself ... from ground up (no installers). at that point, it's a piece of cake to swap in/out anything, do work-arounds, etc. Legion of reasons...
  • Post in thread: Advice for Signature Solar

    "products are very good but only for those that are technically inclined and capable of self support" I'm tossing this out, because I want to see what others' expectations are, wrt renewable energy gear and support thereof ... mine is that this is entirely a self-supported world (unless you...
  • Post in thread: Stealth Solar Projects ...

    Why would you want a stealth solar project? Forums postings might be on the increase that show the "code/grid/AHJ police" are getting more active, and catching or fining (or worse) folks for putting up some solar panels. What could you possibly even do about this? In my case, I: 1. chose where...
  • Post in thread: Renogy 550w panels ... ordered 4

    Panels rec'd, all 4 are verified not broken ... came through shipping just fine. These are nicely packed by Renogy, two per box and facing each other w/ innovative styrofoam spacers all around the two panel frames, such that an "air gap" is between the panels and the exterior box. Box is simply...
  • Post in thread: Quietest Set-And-Forget Off Grid System For A Few Lights, TV and Internet.

    I would say get a solar generator system (these are everywhere on Amazon and elsewhere). If anyone (you) has some diy skills, build a solar generator yourself to save money ... youtube videos abound. If nobody does, and you don't want to take on the task, then have them buy a solar generator...
  • Post in thread: LiFePO4 120 Volt Battery Charger

    You should be able to put anything on a power on/off (digital) timer, and "exercise" the batteries ... this could be useful if you want to do work inside the camper. If the camper batteries: - supply the camper fridge, then you can store things from the house in the camper fridge, and get value...
  • Post in thread: I Can't Afford So-Called "Tier 1" Equipment. What's Good at Tier 2?

    OP statement was "I can't afford Tier 1 ..." It might be restated as "can I afford not to go Tier 1"? In my case, I was replacing (filling the void of) a utility company that wanted $30k to bring the power to my site. That wasn't happening, so I had to become the utility, and the power had to...
  • Post in thread: LVGOO 100ah 48v Server Rack Batteries

    From what I can tell on their website: - no support ... no way to figure out support, no forums, nothing ... you will be on your own after buying them - user guide ... seems to be the datasheet, meaning no real user guide; warranty document mia - a fire extinguisher, built-in to the unit? The...
  • Post in thread: Victron is Over-priced Eurotrash. Why would anybody buy Victron over an AiO?

    Don't really have a dog in this hunt, as I have Magnum 4024 (LF) that is past it's 5-yr warranty, and still going strong. I DO have to ponder what I'll be replacing it with, if and when it (possibly) breaks. Don't know if it'll be Victron ... leaning towards Midnite. Have a MidNite Classic 150...
  • Post in thread: PoCo verbage.....

    Using the bolded sentence in OP, a search reveals that this sentence is in lots of other co-op agreements. That, to me, makes it feel more like a protection for the co-op, as in, we provided service to your property at great expense to ourselves (and you through the setup fees), so don't go...
  • Post in thread: The "state of being" in our solar journey ...

    In the houston, tx area, there are two kinds of house foundations ... those that have cracked and need repair, and those that haven't cracked yet, but will. Not much else in-between, and lots of very heroic efforts to get to one or the other of these two states of being. Solar, from house...
  • Post in thread: How to get warranty help for an SOK 48V100 battery?

    So, the title should really be edited to reflect dealing with Inverters-R-US's warranty efforts, wrt OP's initial post, vs blaming SOK? I haven't had problems with my SOK batteries (12v100ah units for many small solar projects), and still admire them for their repairability. If and when I move...
  • Post in thread: 12v or 48v system in RV?

    I don't have a boat (still testing the idea of boats w/ dollar bill bonfires), but I believe they sometimes have "split systems" (12v & 48v). Depending on the actual size & carrying capacity of your "travel trailer", it might be possible to have a full 48v system (inverter, battery-bank...
  • Post in thread: On grid and off grid in the same house

    It seems to always boil down to constraints and variables, and the choices one makes after discovering and reviewing them all. AHJ's, building codes, insurance ... Did one choose *wisely*, or *poorly*, after navigating that maze ... I'm always impressed when someone comes up with an...
  • Post in thread: Sad seeing 148 unanswered threads in last month

    Forums are a form of self-help helpdesk ... you have to know how to search, or at least read the bottom 5 suggested "solutions" or similar posts to the one where you asked for help. This forum is full of the exact same answer to 10,000 posts, and has many critical resources in the aptly titled...
  • Post in thread: Trend toward bigger panels

    Hmmm ... recently went w/ Renogy (8' x 4') 550w panels, as just 4 of them (2s2p) max out my midnite solar classic 150 *and* they are the basis of a full (south-facing) carport, right next to the utility shed holding all the solar gear. These replace some 265w panels (5' x 3') that cantilevered...
  • Post in thread: Hawaii Condo Living

    You are grid-tied, and in a constrained area (condo, HOA, etc.) for solar panels, if I'm understanding everything correctly. Your big issue is recurring and potentially long-running outages. A very reasonable solution is to start with an inverter/charger & battery-bank, sized to carry your...
  • Post in thread: Spinoff from house burning LFP vs AGM vs Lead Acid - Why not just run the older tried and true stuff?

    All my solar gear *is* in a separate utility building, an intentional design from the start, for various colorado reasons. Been on LFP for 3+ years now, and FLA for years before that, and there are no problems. Pre-wired Magnum 4024, 4x 12v300ah battery-bank ... this stuff is rock-solid. Don't...
  • Post in thread: Ampere Time LiFePO4 battery coupon sale at Amazon

    Have had two of their 12v x 300ah batteries, in 24v battery bank, for almost 9 months now ... drives the whole house, up to 200a discharge, etc. Magnum 4024 inverter/charger ... Excellent USA presence for shipping and service ... in the first month, one gave some grief with a faulty bms; never...
  • Post in thread: Questions for people running mini splits

    You have a particular home "envelope" (shape & volumes) with a typical central furnace (and big blower motor) pushing treated air to every corner & space of that house. I'd think that this system has been sized to push air to every spot, so you don't feel cold spots. I'd request a quote from...
  • Post in thread: Upgrade LiFePO4 BMS to "Manageable"

    I did order the Overkill BMS, and have received it in; but I had thrown these two batteries into another project while awaiting ordering/shipping of the new BMS. When that project concludes, I'll go for swapping in the BMS w/ management capabilities, and update this thread. SOK-MIN, note that...
  • Post in thread: Selling electricity to the neighbour?

    It is so much fun to share ideas on a forum ... I hope the OP can pick out useful ideas amongst the noise ...
  • Post in thread: How can Current Connected improve?

    Every manufacturer should have a complete set of self-service tools on their website, for each and every product. As (I think) you are the sole distributor for SOK, maybe it falls on you to do (in the US) what SOK should be doing on their website. Don't know about the rest of your products ...
  • Post in thread: How to get warranty help for an SOK 48V100 battery?

    Who did you buy them from, and are they an *authorized* dealer of SOK batteries? This is critical info, and I'm not sure why the dealer themselves isn't helping you ... Haven't heard of many failures with this brand of batteries ... SOK batteries (at least, my little 12v100ah units) are easily...
  • Post in thread: Crazy generator idea, or maybe not?

    Nobody told me we are all replacing our standby's and portable gen's with cars ... If this is the case, then I want one of those old jeeps with the secondary PTO ... should be able to generate power, do laundry, whatever the PTO shaft/belt will hook up to ... plus, it will still start after the...
  • Post in thread: High Frequency vs. Low Frequency Inverter - Does it matter??

    It may be that the industry is trying to move to HF inverters (or some hybrid thereof), but I think OP has these considerations that IMHO would tend to favor LF inverters: - heavy house loads, *shop* loads - HF inverter threads abound with (warranty, support, etc.) issues I'd utilize a tier-1...
  • Post in thread: State Farm insurance offering Ting electrical monitor

    It is interesting, but for these reasons, not useful for me: - clown, er ... cloud-based. needs wifi/internet, transfers data to others - insurance ... do you really want your insurance company to know things to this level? - subscription-based (after 1st year, if not covered by insurance) ... I...
  • Post in thread: Be wary of SOK

    I still think SOK makes the best "infinitely repairable" battery out there ... I can't imagine a scenario where something can't be fixed yourself. Given the weights of batteries/assemblies these days, I am starting to think that warrany "swaps" are out of the question if going above 12v sizes...
  • Post in thread: 4 12v batteries in series, did I screw up?

    I agree you want a 48v *battery bank* to go with your 48v inverter/system. How you choose to implement that battery bank, whether as 1 battery or many, is up to you and your (fallback) requirements. A single 48v rack-mount battery has always seemed iffy to me ... I'd have to have two at least...
  • Post in thread: DIY off-grid solar system with the grid backup

    I'd invest a wee bit of time in the design (calc) stage ... verify on paper that everything will do what you want. All too common mistakes are guesstimates, buying first then planning, designing while assembling, and so on ... get the design done on paper, and verify that everything should work...
  • Post in thread: Off grid new build home

    Our utility shed 8'x16', heated thru winter, houses water (tanks, pumps) and solar gear ... no concerns; I don't have a system that could blow out and spray water in every direction. If you do anticipate this, just work on separation methods within the shed ... occasional spills/flooding would...
  • Post in thread: My Solar PV journey is officially ending

    You've been extremely lucky, if: - a street transformer never blew - trees/branches/ice never took out a line - cars didn't crash into a pole - weather events (tornados, hurricanes, deep freezes, heat waves, etc) didn't affect some or all of the overall system ... such that it didn't affect...
  • Post in thread: What would a standard for plugging solar panels directly into our homes look like?

    Can't "plug a generator" into the home, w/o pulling a permit, getting an electrician involved, etc. Those with no experience (and little common sense) get killed all the time, or backfeed the grid, etc. You *can* buy a generator, and use it as an appliance, where you only stretch extension...
  • Post in thread: Just tired of companies that sell solar products

    Don't know all the vendors on your short list, or what problems you are having with each, but I know what to expect from them ... nothing. Seriously, become self-supporting (which is what it sounds like you are doing), and don't expect anything from these *sales* organizations, other than...
  • Post in thread: Selecting a generator for off grid solar backup

    You'll want generators with "auto-start" capability, and it sounds like your inverter already has the inverter-side auto-start functionality. Sites like this one might help with the research for you: To quote one of the many inverter pages/manuals describing the...

diy solar

diy solar