diy solar

diy solar

Recent content by acdcbon

  1. acdcbon

    EB240 / Condo emergency backup

    I do like the features of the AC200 lots- but I see they are not available until September and I’m most concerned about the heated months coming up here the rest of the summer. I am caring for a senior, and loss of air conditioned cool for any amount is something already on the...
  2. acdcbon

    EB240 / Condo emergency backup

    Thanks for your reply! Well eventually I would have to use the solar panels to charge up of course, but I don’t intend on having a big set up of solar panels on display on a regular basis if I can. Don’t like showing off preps in general, safety. Will an AC200 run a full size refrigerator?
  3. acdcbon

    EB240 / Condo emergency backup

    Hello- Newbie here- thank you to anyone here who can answer my questions! I have been scoping out the Bluetti EB240 to keep in my condo as an emergency backup for if the power goes out. Not for daily use, just for in case the power goes out for a long time. Backup travel/portable air...