diy solar

diy solar

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  • Growatt SPF 5000 ES vs Growatt SPF 6000 ES plus

    I was nearly locked in to purchase two growatt spf 5000 ES , for a single phase (220-240V in Australia) paralleled configuration, to set-up primarily for offgrid solar with approx 14kWh seplos battery, with grid supply as in essence backup. . But I recently stumbled that there is now a growatt...
  • Having offgrid solar installation installed in outbuilding to supply house switchboard but also with grid infeed at house. (Australia)

    Note this is in Australia, and I'm trying ascertain whether what I would like to do is reasonable/acceptable within Australian wiring rules. I have a rural property where the existing switchboard with incoming grid power is located at the house, but I am planning on having offgrid solar setup...
  • Seplos bms bluetooth version

    Hi, I've just recently set-up a growatt spf 5000 es and a seplos diy battery that has the Bluetooth bms. The default bms setting for battery capacity was 200Ah which I've changed to 280Ah , which is the capacity of the battery, however along side this setting is SOC in Ah , as attached in...