diy solar

diy solar

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  • Post in thread: 4000 watt Inverter on 12 V?

    OK, now that I figured out I don't know anything about LFP batteries, I'm going to go ahead and order an OverKill Solar 12v BMS so I can start using it, I will try to buy another pack in the coming month and a 24v BMS to make a 24v pack. I guess I will just start running it down to 50% then back...
  • Post in thread: Why did Will go with Electrodacus?

    Oh cool, I missed the manual, thanks snoobler. Ah, that helps Dzl. So do you suggest a specific high quality BMS? I am building a 24v system. I have some experience with BMSs, I built a small 10 Ah LiFePo4 pack last year, the instructions I was follow were not very detailed and the BMS just had...
  • Post in thread: Why did Will go with Electrodacus?

    Hey everyone, does anyone know why Will went with a very cool Electrodacus SBMS for his 24v handtruck system? I'm confused because it's limited in output current compared to something like Overkill Solar. Maybe I don't fully understand what it is and does, or how it's setup.
  • Post in thread: Growatt or MPPT for 24v?

    Man that manual is badly written and obviously not by a native English speaker.
  • Post in thread: 4000 watt Inverter on 12 V?

    Hey everyone, I know it's preferred to have anything over 2000 watts on a 24 v or 48 v system. I plan on building a 200 Ah battery pack using Fortune cells and was going to use a 4000 Watt inverter with it. Is there anything I need to look out for, like do I need large gauge wires, a special...
  • Post in thread: Why did Will go with Electrodacus?

    OK, yeah that makes sense Dzl, thanks. HRTKD, yes, very much agreed. If you can explain how the thing works in a summary on your site without making it one giant paragraph mixed with pictures of several of your other products then I kind of pass. Also I skimmed through the manual, it's a...
  • Post in thread: Why did Will go with Electrodacus?

    I should add that some of this for me is prepardeness minded, I will be storing backups of whatever BMS I go with in Faraday cages. Now that I think about it, I may not want something overly complicated I have to print a programming guide out for to use. I assume I can hook an Overkill Solar BMS...
  • Post in thread: 4000 watt Inverter on 12 V?

    One reason I ask is because that's what I have already. Also I feel more pressed to use it every day for my home office since Snoobler here on the forums just told me that LFP should not be used as emergency power systems because the batteries are not meant to sit at a high state of charge for...
  • Post in thread: 4000 watt Inverter on 12 V?

    Hey guys, since my BMS is on a 30 day back order, what should I do with my cells that are at such a high state of charge? They have already sat for a week.
  • Post in thread: Fortune 100 Ah or 280 Ah Aliexpress (Will suggested)?

    Great info Curiouscarbon, that makes me feel better. I was discussing it with my wife and it was driving me crazy, but the quality and other features you mentioned are great selling points. Also the fact I have a US location to return them to if there is an issue. I was strongly considering SOK...
  • Post in thread: 4000 watt Inverter on 12 V?

    Yeah, I'm going to wait until I figure this out. I may even just hold on the refrigerator bit. Quick question, if I decided to stick with a 12 V system and power small stuff (laptop, router, mode, and possible LCD TV) will my existing Samlex 1500 watt be too much for the 120 watt BMS? I mean...
  • Post in thread: Mixing Batteries? Manufacturers?

    I plan on keeping the chemistry the same and the capacity. I just bought Fortune cells for a 100 Ah pack, but if SOKs become available in reasonable numbers I could purchase some of them as well. Do you think that would cause an issue? Someone in another post mentioned "eddy currents", is that...
  • Post in thread: Need Help Building System That Can Grow

    Well, technically I bought 4 panels, but they didn't pack them well and the one on the bottom of the pile laying on a thin piece of cardboard was shattered. It looks like there are no breaks in or between the cells so I bought silicone encapsulate. They sent me another panel to replace that one...
  • Post in thread: Is this cell voltage difference bad?

    Hey everyone, I finally got my Overkill BMS working right and charging, but notice this voltage difference between cells. Is this acceptable or should I top balance them again? The cells are Fortune 100 ah cells. Also I don't actively use the pack, will it lose capacity permanently over time if...
  • Post in thread: 4000 watt Inverter on 12 V?

    3 tested as 3.28 and one as 3.25 "3 tested as 3.28 and one as 3.25"
  • Post in thread: SOK or Battle Born?

    OK, I know in some ways this is like comparing Apples with Apple Pie, but I am seriously not sure which battery to go with between SOK and Battle Born. Yes, I know I can build a battery for cheaper, but I don't care to find Grade A that from a reputable buy, wait weeks if not months for it to...
  • Post in thread: 4000 watt Inverter on 12 V?

    No, no capacity tester, do you suggest a specific one?
  • Post in thread: 4000 watt Inverter on 12 V?

    Well, I won't be using the full 1500 watts to power what I need, so does the rule still apply? My pack is 100 ah Fortune cells. The charger was suggested by Battleborn (they sell on their site), it has an app via Bluetooth. It has a bunch of settings like: Storage, ABS, Bulk, Normal, and...
  • Post in thread: Overkill Solar or Electrodacus SBMS for 12v 4s?

    So if I understand it right, for now the KID cc will work with 4 our of the 5 panels I have. But once I move over to 48v I will need all new stuff, which at that point I will just go with Victron gear for everything. So the 12v 100 Ah battery and the rest of the gear I have should work for that...
  • Post in thread: Should I Make My Own or Buy Pre-Made?

    Hey everyone, I've built 10 Ah LiFePO4 battery pack with BMS previously. I was thinking of either building or buying a 100 Ah battery. I was wondering if you suggest building it myself or buying a pre-made one? I was going to build my own, but started looking at prices for the components...
  • Post in thread: Should I Make My Own or Buy Pre-Made?

    Are you using quality cells and BMS? I'm not being sarcastic, I don't know the brands and sites to buy those brands being a beginner. Honestly I go by reviews and what people on YouTube tell me to buy. :-D I just want everything to be durable and quality, I don't care to spend all my time...
  • Post in thread: 4000 watt Inverter on 12 V?

    700 watts or less for now. The BMS 120 Amp continuous, with 200 amp surge I believe. The cells are 200 amp with a 600 amp pulse.
  • Post in thread: 4000 watt Inverter on 12 V?

    Thanks for the suggesion, may buy one. I have a bench PSU and a Victron Blue Smart Charger (15 amp).
  • Post in thread: Need Help Building System That Can Grow

    So I watched a video on the charge controller I have, I still don't know if it can do LiFePO4, but the lady said that you can chain multiple Midnight Kid controllers together to handle more amperage... Not sure if that translates to more input though, you would think it would. One controller had...
  • Post in thread: Fortune 100 Ah or 280 Ah Aliexpress (Will suggested)?

    I'm not in a huge hurry. A few days or even a few weeks is no big deal, months on the other hand is a bit much. I live in ID and they ship from Salt Lake City, so it should be fairly quick I imagine.
  • Post in thread: Overkill Solar or Electrodacus SBMS for 12v 4s?

    Ah, OK, I was wondering. But if I did 5 in parallel wouldn't that be over 30 Amps? They have a nominal current of 9.36 Amps each right? Even 4 in parallel would be over the current limit by 7 Amps. Should I do 2 panels in parallel connected in series with another parallel set? If I understand...
  • Post in thread: Top Balance Charger?

    Hello, I was wondering if anyone suggested a charger for top balancing my Fortune 100 Ah cells? I have a nice 4/15 Amp Victron for 12V and a bench power supply for electronics projects, I tried the Victron and realized it won't go below 12V. I tried the bench psu and set it for 4 Amps, it never...
  • Post in thread: 4000 watt Inverter on 12 V?

    OK, you guys are helping me understand this better. Thanks a lot OK, you guys are helping me understand this better as we go, I really appreciate you all being patient with me. Sometimes I reask questions or reword them to make sure I understand it from all angles. I went ahead and bought a...
  • Post in thread: 4000 watt Inverter on 12 V?

    Ah, cool, good to know. So is your BMS set to cutoff at 50%?
  • Post in thread: Is this cell voltage difference bad?

    I meant Top Balance.
  • Post in thread: 4000 watt Inverter on 12 V?

    Wow it is difficult finding a decent clamp meter that does both AC/DC and has an inrush feature. The only one I can find that you can't find in stock in the Klein CL900 which is $150 or the CL450 which is $175. The Kaiweets brand only has one that fit that criteria and it's not in stock...
  • Post in thread: Mixing Batteries? Manufacturers?

    That helps, yeah like to see facts when people claim a negative. If a lot of people are getting away with different brands and capacities then that's one thing. Buying multiple batteries at once is not much of an option for me right now, but one off here and there over this year, possibly...
  • Post in thread: Top Balance Charger?

    I followed Will's video, the only issue I saw is that after 24 hours the amperage never rose above 1.4 Amps even thought I set it to 4 Amps. Also the voltage only increased .1V. This was using my bench power supply set at 3.65V.
  • Post in thread: 4000 watt Inverter on 12 V?

    OK, so I have canceled 2 orders with Amazon now because people suggest meters that don't meassure inrush. So I for sure need the inrush capability to meassure the surge of the compressor motor on my refrigerator? I want to confirm before I click another order button. :-D
  • Post in thread: Mixing Batteries? Manufacturers?

    Good to know. I had that thought about the router and modem being 12v and making a power cord up for it to bypass the waste of the inverter, but haven't checked yet. They are either 12 or 6 v I suspect. We live in North ID in the woods, so our ISP has towers all around the area and we have a...
  • Post in thread: 4000 watt Inverter on 12 V?

    OK, that helps, how many amps would work?
  • Post in thread: Overkill Solar or Electrodacus SBMS for 12v 4s?

    So what does 1.2 mean? Every you explaining all that I feel stupid asking. :) How many panels would you suggest?
  • Post in thread: 4000 watt Inverter on 12 V?

    As for cable length, I don't know, 1ft to 2ft, just enough to mount it on a board directly above the pack. I assume once I convert to 24v the cable will be overkill for that system and totally reusable?
  • Post in thread: 4000 watt Inverter on 12 V?

    So from what I can tell on the Klein site, only two models have the Inrush feature and none of the models suggested here are those two models. The CL450 and the CL900.
  • Post in thread: If I Charge Via AC, Should I Leave LiFePO4s On A Charger?

    Hey everyone, I plan on making a 24 V Hand Truck system for backup power if our grid power goes out. I will eventually put a charge controller on it too to hook up to our panels. Anyway, I was wonder if it's good practice or safe to keep my LiFePO4 cells on an AC charge to keep them topped off...
  • Post in thread: 4000 watt Inverter on 12 V?

    Ah, I didn't know if some of these programmable BMSs can have other cutoff states than the obvious 10V cuttoff.
  • Post in thread: If I Charge Via AC, Should I Leave LiFePO4s On A Charger?

    Lol! Well then why are so many people building systems like that, including Will? I mean is the only valid use of LFP batteries to use it in a golf cart or solar power system? I'm not being sarcastic or anything, you're just the only person I've ever seen say something like that. I mean I have a...
  • Post in thread: If I Charge Via AC, Should I Leave LiFePO4s On A Charger?

    I mean I guess I could use it to power electronics on my office all the time and keep the all-in-one connected to AC for charging. But I would think that would kill the batteries a lot faster with all the charge cycles from every day all day use.
  • Post in thread: Fortune 100 Ah or 280 Ah Aliexpress (Will suggested)?

    I misspoke, they are 200 Ah, not 280...

diy solar

diy solar