diy solar

diy solar

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  • Post in thread: Wind Protection for Ground Mount PV Panels

    lets do some math!! first, for wind pressure loading we will use the simple cheat formular of around: pounds/sqft = 0.00256*(mph*mph) so 90mph wind results in a force of 21lbs/sqft (its double for a cat5 hurricane hehe). For a 4'x8' solar panel you have 32sqft * 21 = 672lbs force per panel. you...
  • Post in thread: the easy way to keep your cells balanced balancing

    so I have some aliexpress express cells and of course even after top balancing they quickly like to get out of balance... neither the daly or overkill solar BMS in "balance" mode does anything useful. with cells out of balance by about 130mv I let the bms do its balance thing for a few days...
  • Post in thread: Is it OK to leave solar panels in sunlight not connected to anything?

    those are the same guys that tell you to pay to put nitrogen in your tires.... Did they sell you a "solar panel energy draining device" to avoid explosions when not in use?
  • Post in thread: Fake News?

    thats because, at least in america, the is a massive decline in what is called "critical thinking skills"... basically, its not that people are stupid (which means they cannot think) its that they are being "taught" to be ignorant; because ignorant people do what they are told. sadly the jury...
  • Post in thread: Fake News?

    The events are real...but what you REALLY want to know is: A) is it a government next generation weapon system B) not from this planet and for that nobody knows so far; unidentifed does not mean (que spooky music)
  • Post in thread: Looking for a BMS that won't limit my charging or output

    given the danger of high current DC circuits, you definitely need the more expensive Class T fuses; anl fuses or others would just plasma arc and happily conduct all the current available, but it would be easy to find the spot where it failed!
  • Post in thread: Reality Vs Advert: The Impossible Whopper

    well, modern humans have been living off "meat" and preserving things with salt for about 200,000 years; so its probably not that big of a deal ;-) my recent ancestors (3 generators back at least) lived off salt as a preservative, eggs and bacon every day, pork fat and alchohol into their late...
  • Post in thread: Coulomb counter not strictly compatible with LiFePo4?

    well, only an old retired engineer here, so I will take a shot at making it "simple" ;) (said absolutely every engineer as they start their presentation) An amp is just a coulomb/sec or 1coulomb = 1amp * 1sec. the rate of flow of the electron does not give a hoot about the...
  • Post in thread: How will we pay for road maintenance if everyone has an EV and no-one pays gas taxes any more?

    HAHAHAHAHA.. not a SINGLE democratically run city in america has a budget that is not massively in debt with out of control crime and failing businesses; chicago, new york, los angeles, san jose (ok lots in california,, why do you people keep voting for them??) For the past 5yrs the democrats...
  • Post in thread: I am always fantasizing about having a energy efficient air conditioner for van life, anyone seen any concepts in tech news or anything?

    here ya go....extremely efficient, pet approved ;-)
  • Post in thread: the easy way to keep your cells balanced balancing

    perhaps some confusion, I did not mean you use these in place of a BMS or as part of your initial cell top balance. This is for the "normal" day-to-day imbalances that will happen; relying on the BMS that says it can balance has, at least for me with both a smart daly and an overkill bms, shown...
  • Post in thread: Why climate change is real

    yes, global devastating climate change is most certainly "political" and not actual science... climate always changes, however, you can easily go back over the past 60years and see that people in charge always declare some "soon to be" disaster approaching that we need to spend money...
  • Post in thread: Beware @Michael B Caro

    this is the fundamental issue that caught me and others... he ASSURED everyone that the money was in separate accounts and safe until product shipped...he absolutely, positively lied about this. This is not an issue of "got taken by surprise in world events of shipping/supply issues"...nope.. He...
  • Post in thread: Cheapest LiFePo4 batteries on the market

    it is real easy to find the cheapest batteries on the market...however... you want to actually get the lowest $/kwh which is wayyyyyy different than finding the cheapest battery hehe
  • Post in thread: Cabin Permitting - Need sizing to meet Wa State energy efficiency Req

    step one...move to another state ; NOT california ;-)
  • Post in thread: fyi warning about liitokala varicore flagship store not buy

    UPDATE... I managed to get even aliexpress to agree that I cannot upload a 12hr video with a 500mb limit, so they agreed to allow me to upload the video to online storage site and send them the link... so I uploaded the looooong video which was compressed down to 2GB and finally aliexpress did...
  • Post in thread: Why topbalance all the way to 100% if you do not intend to ever charge the pack to more than 80-90% ?

    sadly there is some truth to this if you buy the lower end flukes...hence the need to get a voltage reference. That said, Even the cheaper units will meet their specifications so you have to read the fine print hehe. for example here is the spec for fluke 117: DC volts: +/-0.5% + 2counts and for...
  • Post in thread: Can bad cells hurt good cells?

    your question was can BAD cells hurt good cells... its in the title; the answer is no; the BMS stops that from happening. if you have a different question, perhaps you want to word it in a different way and, well, do keep in mind there are no "paid" contributors here so everyone is helping you...
  • Post in thread: wonderful battery purchase with Excellent packaging!!

    order enough eve 280Ah cells for another 24v pack from @Amy Zheng and the packaging was fantastic!!! They did not try to overpack a box with a bunch of cells and see how much tossing they can withstand; just 2 cells per box, very well packaged in perfect fit foam shells; boxes nicely taped up...
  • Post in thread: Started my top balancing

    "raise your hand if you looked at your first batch of cells and thought the BLACK terminal would be the negative one so you starting wiring" <<raises hand>>
  • Post in thread: the easy way to keep your cells balanced balancing

    I plug and unplug mine without a care in the damage at all, and they are just the cheap $30-$40 ones. for my BMS cables I always make them as a "Y" cable so the BMS always stays attached and I can swap in a balancer or a isdt batgo to look at things directly (the isdt units have a...
  • Post in thread: Why was more fake news discussed in 2016 than real news?

    well, this is the chit chat forum and I did ponder a while if I should respond as this is a touchy topic for many people due to, well, what is really happening in the world that most are unaware of hehe So here are a few thoughts/comments... social algorithms are not conscious "things" that...
  • Post in thread: the easy way to keep your cells balanced balancing

    I did a long winded post on this topic some time back...
  • Post in thread: LiFePO4 charging voltage

    thats the trap you can fall into, thinking that with a 3.6v per cell total charge voltage you cannot reach a cell overvoltage condition... Definitely not true, which is why a bms is needed for any series build. When, not if, the cells become slightly unbalanced one cell can certainly reach a...
  • Post in thread: Why isn’t my battery charging?

    looking at your setup pictures, do you have a negative battery connection that is going "around" your shunt? hard to tell but it looks like two wires are there. Nothing should be connected to the negative terminal of the battery but the shunt, this makes the shunt measurements the golden...
  • Post in thread: Need some help with connecting to ground for my inverter!

    wiring "rules" definitely vary by country. This is mostly about north american electrical house wiring to "some" code (do keep in mind that the electrical code has changed and so a 40yr old house is not wired the same as a 2yr old house). filterguy has given you lots of good information...
  • Post in thread: New Battery Technologies?

    I think the "coolest" batteries coming out are... liquid metal batteries such as those by ambri. A battery you can push hard, has massive cycle count, does not care about environmental temps, insanely safe...and its a "cool" idea hehe ok, its not going to fit in your cell phone or even your...
  • Post in thread: How will we pay for road maintenance if everyone has an EV and no-one pays gas taxes any more?

    so you are concerned about the "government" not being able to figure out how to get more of your money??? have no fear at all, they WILL figure it out. Once the government got together and gave itself the power to tax at will, the government has never had any shortage of innovative ideas about...
  • Post in thread: Why is mppt better than pwm?

    old will prowse video
  • Post in thread: Fake News?

    the sun could go nova and the media/democrats would blame trump.....

diy solar

diy solar