diy solar

diy solar

DPC's latest activity

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    DPC replied to the thread New Tariffs in the States.
    China remains a command economy with capitalistic characteristics... That's my turn of phrase on a popular saying A long time ago the...
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    DPC reacted to Bop's post in the thread New Tariffs in the States with Like Like.
    The US already pretty much has the highest solar prices in the world by a considerable margin, all this will do is slow its uptake...
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    DPC replied to the thread Massive Texas power outage.
    The flip side to this is the Texas power grid is completely independent of other states and rates for utilities I am told are cheaper...
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    DPC replied to the thread Massive Texas power outage.
    You make it sound like a creepy religious cult. Hare Krisna... Krishna Krishna... Hare Hare... Krishna Battery... Solar, Battery...
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    Everything degrades with time but its use that wears things out... Every heating and cooling cycle makes the components of electronics...
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    DPC replied to the thread backup genny size?.
    Unloved MDJ Onans... I personally prefer the normal air cooled DJ and J range engines for simplicity but this is about as close as you...
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    DPC reacted to jimf909's post in the thread backup genny size? with Like Like.
    @Solardaveo, I may have missed it but are you off-grid? I'm off-grid w/in 30 miles of the 49th parallel so days are short and most of...
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    DPC replied to the thread backup genny size?.
    I believe the company that holds the rights to the brand " Westinghouse " has its offices in the UK for tax purposes... A Chinese...
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    DPC reacted to seneysolar's post in the thread Let's fight about aluminum wire! with Like Like.
    Heres the biggest problem with aluminum wire...
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    DPC replied to the thread House burned down.
    Ya but I made that fuse holder not that long ago.... Not in the 60s maybe in the past 20 years lol.
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    DPC replied to the thread backup genny size?.
    If I lived in the UK and knowing what I know I would look for a Lister/Petter SOM I am fond of the Petter PH series and the more modern...
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    DPC replied to the thread Help with installing a DC fridge.
    Probably.... A cigarette lighter socket lol Are you completely off grid and in a unorganized area? If so do what ever you like but do...
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    DPC replied to the thread House burned down.
    Fire bad
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    DPC replied to the thread backup genny size?.
    This guy has the IQ of a block of wood. Here is your 900 pound gorilla Its a an Onan NH. 60 cubic inches Exciter cranked fury...
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    DPC replied to the thread Massive Texas power outage.
    Your not feeling Romantic? My batteries be charged...
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    DPC reacted to sunsurfer's post in the thread Massive Texas power outage with Like Like.
    Time to go "low power" mode to stretch out the batteries.
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    DPC replied to the thread House burned down.
    My best guess is I made this to fit under the dog house of a Kohler electric plant with more available current than I was comfortable...
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    DPC replied to the thread House burned down.
    One time at work we had to get the plant operator and an engineer interpret a chain of email from a part supplier that used Google...
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    DPC reacted to robbob2112's post in the thread Massive Texas power outage with Like Like.
    Up in the Dakotas they use 'Ya Ya' a lot ... lots of swedish and nordic influences.
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    DPC replied to the thread Massive Texas power outage.
    Good to hear the lights are coming back on..

diy solar

diy solar