diy solar

diy solar

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  • Post in thread: radio controlled solar electric boat with lazy-boy recliner

    need some fishing rod holders and an umbrella stand. then its perfect
  • Post in thread: Wondering why're many people still building 12/24v system ?

    Going over 33 volts means your system falls under a different set of regulations in some places ( maybe not in some or all of the USA ) You may not be able to get insurance unless you pulled a permit and had it inspected. You may run afoul of local electrical authorities with a grid tie system...
  • Post in thread: Toolbox

    By jeep I mean Toyota f80 Here’s a nice picture of me (centre) and the rest of the guys in my dept going to a job Marlene in the back can’t see her…. notable woman….
  • Post in thread: So... a cement truck went out of control and took down several power poles...

    Most people end up with generators too large based on what a salesman told them At 25% throttle your not running in your most efficient range And diesel in particular can have a hard time at very light loads in stationary application You can get a lot of fuel dilution of the engine oil because...
  • Post in thread: Massive Texas power outage

    A fellow could go strange trying to prepare for stuff. You need to be practical about it And a fellow could do worse than have extra stuff to share with friends and neighbours. Maybe that old spare generator you don't need anymore will get you a couple cans of gas or cylinder of propane when...
  • Post in thread: Massive Texas power outage

    I was thinking more locally than global. I own 9 generators, mostly older units made between 1945 and 1990. The unloved surplus units I save rag and bone men. They generally are everywhere if you look. I don't think its a bad idea for everyone to have some basic stuff. A spare sump pump and...
  • Post in thread: Chinese Balloon

    I could be wrong about the pill maybe I watch too many old movies In every spy movie there is a poison pill and somehow you trick the bad guy into drinking the poisoned glass and the good guy manages to board a train and escape to West Berlin
  • Post in thread: Is it possible to protect your Solar System against EMP?

    I used to do business with an old order Mennonite “uneducated religious extremist” Hardly Pacifists and generally charitable, deeply moral and their greatest concern are not about worldly things but rather doing things the right things that will allow them to enter the kingdom of heaven when...
  • Post in thread: Predator or Champion?

    Early mornings I get up and wonder do I really need to pee or or is my prostate going to give me a hard time. Sometimes I get more gas that urine, no matter how hard I push... Sometimes I have trouble telling gasses from solids...
  • Post in thread: Why I have trust issues on chinese products

    If you want to do something right you do it yourself Contract everything out and you get what you get That and shortism. You need to plan for and try and predict the consequences of todays choices far into the future My dad used to say too close to the big picture and all you see is the...
  • Post in thread: AI speculations and member vetting.

    There are real flesh and blood people doing they sane thing right now in alll kinds of forums and BBs We should take every reply with a pinch of salt and do a lot of research beyond just what we read in one place before buying anything
  • Post in thread: OLD OLD stuff

    Installed almost 30 years to provide lighting only... Location lost in time lake...... Original system was powered by a pair of truck batteries that got a daily top up form an alternator off a late 60's Chrysler and 9 cubic inch B&S. Before that lit by Coleman table lamps and lanterns. Not bad...
  • Post in thread: Class T vs ANL fuse

    Fancy stuff I had.... Past tense an old timey resistance bridge for doing leads wingdings and connections. I don't recall the resolution on the meter but it needed calibration from time to time and this was never done in a timely manner so when people tell me resistance figures as low as you I...
  • Post in thread: Stuff does not last forever.

    At least once a year you should cycle all your breakers Unloaded of course… Breakers don’t age out They wear out from hard use If hit constantly overloading a circuit they will slowly wear out The harder the use the more quickly they will fail Oldest breakers I deal with daily are sone...
  • Post in thread: So... a cement truck went out of control and took down several power poles...

    I don't think we are at that point yet. If I were SuperVtech and this was my client I would steer him away from a solar at this stage and stay with tried and true Standby generators. If you install something thats a critical load experimental fixes can get you sued if it fails to perform in an...
  • Post in thread: So... a cement truck went out of control and took down several power poles...

    I did a lot of things with my fingers in my youth. Married for a very long time so I cant possibly comment. Not even sure how that.... Oh You said twidling........
  • Post in thread: Chinese Balloon

    Lucky I f the can light a fart on fire those guys They will crash everything in the dessert long before they reach any population centres Ukrainians are different High education level technically very savvy and adaptive They could take the stuff those Taliban cave broke and crashed in the...
  • Post in thread: FBI warns of Solar System Cyber Threat

    This guy saw it coming too lol
  • Post in thread: Help with installing a DC fridge

    10 is plenty 12 might even be ok. Your goal is to keep the voltage drop under 3%. Assuming the compressor runs at a 4 amps or so Options could be to use a normal AC fridge and an inverter with a stand by mode. The costs of DC vs conventional fridge with inverter is worth running the numbers on
  • Post in thread: New Tariffs in the States

    The USA has the US dollar. Oil is sold in Dollars, most international trade involves a Dollar... This is because of the post war way things went and the US dollar was seen as honest. And its was an economic and political sledge hammer used to steer the world PAX Americana To this day I think...
  • Post in thread: Many here say that an alternator should not be connected to LiFePO4 and that one should use DC-DC Charger

    This is a Chinese electric vehicle range extender. Nothing like it on this side of the pond I am aware of and no venders of this style of generator charger. It uses a PM head so there is no need for field control. The voltage and current regulation is managed by a computer that monitors both...
  • Post in thread: Massive Texas power outage

    HA HA Coders When I was in school we had micro processors. I was trained on the Z80 and the 6800 and those required you to understand what was going on inside the black box.. Every generation of processor since has done the same thing as the one it replaced and it has done it with ever...
  • Post in thread: S3: Small, Mobile Nuclear Reactors

    In Russia they have along history if doing some pretty unconventional stuff Leaving an unsecured RTG in a lighthouse or mountain top where anyone can get at it however is very scary From the same people that brought us steam powered trucks.... And giant missile carrying Ekronoplanes. " flying...
  • Post in thread: Tricks for cutting long wires of equal length?

    Just get them as close as reasonably achievable. This is not like fixing a watch or building a ship in a bottle...
  • Post in thread: Massive Texas power outage

    In 1980 the post war built infrastructure was at its oldest 30. Today that same stuff is in its 70s.... Its that stuff thats killing us all, that massive building boom meant something were done more Uhmmmm Cheaply? And its at the end of its working life in many cases.
  • Post in thread: 24V DC wiring in the cabin worthwhile?

    I'm off topic and really want to apologize for this but I want to add some more about pressure lanterns white gas and low compression engines. I'm sure everyone here has heard of lead in gasoline. Back way back in the past gasoline was very hit and miss stuff. it was not refined to a very tight...
  • Post in thread: Massive Texas power outage

    I have trees that belong in Appalachia that no one here has ever seen this far north. ( black locust and cotton wood I never even heard of them before I had to look it up ) Pear trees grow here now... Worms in the ground that no one ever saw before. Even the squirrel are different. ( big black...
  • Post in thread: AIO High Frequency Invertors. Warning They don't Have An Iron Core Copper Wound Output Transformer.

    There was a time when the chopping speed of inverters caused issues with motors in industry. The jagged wave forms caused voltage spikes and the motors had to be inverter rated, and considerations had to be made around cable terminations because of the spikes... ( radio guys will be familiar...
  • Post in thread: OLD OLD stuff

    The little wooden cabinet is the battery house that contains a couple lead acid T105. The controller is a PWM original from the 90s. Cottage is wired with some BX and and what ever recycled cable was available in the 60s and 70s Most of the bulbs are LED now so the demand has dropped as the...
  • Post in thread: stupid circuit breaker question

    How you end up developing a load shed system is up to you This is a LOGO There are some as cheap a 60 bucks if you shop around I used these 20 years ago to do simple jobs that in the old days would have required a lot of relays and wires and devices that in todays money would cost maybe a...
  • Post in thread: Looking for the Quietest Dual Fuel 9000w+ Generator?

    If you do that get one with a drain plug. They tend to fill up with water and rust out.. About 50% of the noise you hear is mechanical. A muffle will not suppress that
  • Post in thread: Massive Texas power outage

    Ya golf karts Let no one ever laugh at an old guy with a golf kart full of batteries and plan again. My Dad has a golfkart and he traded it for gasoline. I think that was a mistake myself. I would have built a hybrid and run on gas when he was far from home but what do i know...
  • Post in thread: NiCad anyone

    There they are all in there glory shiny and new and not mine... Of interest is this also has been upgraded the batteries are larger than the unit replaced the new charger does not have a equalization button. New heavier duty DC rated breakers too. I hate to disappoint, for the most part these...
  • Post in thread: Looking for the Quietest Dual Fuel 9000w+ Generator?

    Take that same muffler off a car and put it on that generator and find out if its as quiet as the car...
  • Post in thread: Many here say that an alternator should not be connected to LiFePO4 and that one should use DC-DC Charger

    Alternators are not good battery chargers for any application. The right way to charge a battery requires you to limit the charge current to a level the battery can except for its state of discharge. Alternator regulators try to regulate voltage only. Also your likely to smoke the regulator...
  • Post in thread: So... a cement truck went out of control and took down several power poles...

    Again that can be very hit and miss. Some parts are not available. A very common military set is based on the Onan DJ 4 cylinder set. ( MEP 003 as they were called in Canada and I think the USA too ) Its a pretty good machine but its hard to get the exact filter kit it needed because it had...
  • Post in thread: Let's fight about aluminum wire!

    From over heating because it’s small? Never Have not seen an undersized cable with a variable load that took properly calculated derating factor catch fire in my life
  • Post in thread: House burned down

    Fire bad
  • Post in thread: AWG considerations

    Free air tables can be confusing If it’s a manufactured cable with multi conductors Or armoured cable your rating will be lower than free air. Inside a battery box might not be considered free air You might have to derate based on ambient temperatures or heat generated in devices Lots of...
  • Post in thread: Best way to clean dust and grease from the inside of my old inverter.

    Hexane with a bit of Iso alcohol... Keep pressure below 30 PSI. I use a leaf blower to remove dust from electrical equipment so its volume more than pressure. High pressure can damage things, and impart enough speed on an object to be dangerous. Regular CRC contact cleaner, Hexane again, also...
  • Post in thread: FBI warns of Solar System Cyber Threat

    I have a shed and the camera is mounted on it so it can look down the driveway. These cameras have some functions I do not use. You can put a memory card in them and I have never been able to get that to work They have a motion tracking option that makes them jerk around. And my wife sometimes...
  • Post in thread: 24V DC wiring in the cabin worthwhile?

    No don't do that. Octane is too low ( maybe an Onan LK or CCK with 5:1 heads could deal with it but its a bad idea with other sets ) When talking pressure lanterns gas generator is the vaporizer that turns liquid fuels into gas through vaporization and thermal cracking. This gas is then mixed...
  • Post in thread: Refurbish process for forklift batteries

    Cant see the big chargers in this photo.... After a while motor crews get lazy and don't charge enough. After deep discharges the batteries get weak and are starting to sulphate. That's when they start calling about a dead loco on the track without enough power to get to a charger It seems to...
  • Post in thread: Chinese Balloon

    After my j thought I can see one of the reasons Putin might hate him so much A Jewish comedian that does an act like that Русист ( my Runglish is pretty bad ) Russian fascism cant stand the idea of a man like that and But I am reminded of another comic ( that may have been a Jew too I seem to...
  • Post in thread: Massive Texas power outage

    It makes sense on a residential are when building new infrastructure. Personally I rather be on the ground working on a pad mount transformer than in a bucket truck working on a can. This is a really old combination of parts. As long as your under 5000 volts it’s relatively easy to do cable...
  • Post in thread: Let's fight about aluminum wire!

    They make aluminum split bolts for that application Best thing to do is use all the same metal. I like to pack split bolts with duct seal. Then wrap in cotton friction tape and top with a layer of layer of rubber or vinyl tape. This never gives me any trouble It’s air tight, water proof and...
  • Post in thread: Toolbox

    An observation A tool bag you toss over your shoulder to walk, that fits in the passenger seat of a small utility vehicle and contains the bare minimum of hand tools to perform a task is all you need An involved job requires you to get out there and summing up At that point you need to ready a...
  • Post in thread: Modified Sine Inverter Uses

    Just an observation about Furnaces. They seem to have the worst electronics in them. I am real suspect of Any boards in whirlpool products to be specific The simpler and dumber something is the more likely it is to last. The trade off seems to be lower efficiency in most cases. The highest...
  • Post in thread: True or False: Tying a knot in a power cord "provides protection against lightning"

    lighting rod and ground grid is designed to catch a bolt of lightning and direct it from a buildings power system. Here is a lightening arrestor these used to be on the outside of a lot of service connections in industrial plants and not only would the building, the switch yard and the steel...
  • Post in thread: True or False: Tying a knot in a power cord "provides protection against lightning"

    This video shows a typical strike near the infrastructure.... But not at the exact location. If the strike had hit the pool there would have been damage. What we see here is the current from the strike travelling around the area seeking out paths to ground to discharge that are better than the...

diy solar

diy solar