diy solar

diy solar

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  • Post in thread: Modified or Pure sine wave inverter?

    Too simplistic and general a statement in my experience. I had a Trace modified sine wave inverter for years and it ran everything I tried, motors to computers. I was scared by the talk of pure sine wave being superior for electronics, so switched to a Trace SW4024 Pure sine Wave inverter, but I...
  • Post in thread: So out of my element... help an IT guy figure it out?

    Yes an additional solar panel can be inexpensive to cover the inverter idle consumption but my concern would be the inverter high idle consumption / inefficiency on a series of cloudy days where solar production can be 5-10% of a sunny day and every night where adding panels is of no help and...
  • Post in thread: 2024 YouTube Video Ideas

    Interviews with real experts, engineers, scientists, those with DATA AND FACTS and experience in small and budget friendly to as large as DIY's can afford? in the various areas that these forums cover. The biggest frustration I experience in these forums is the guessing, the never ending...
  • Post in thread: Victron vs other MPPT controllers?

    In my experience, it certainly is not Outback. 5 months ago, my FM80 display died and I have never received a tech support explanation or reason and after much hassle I did get the one year old FM80 replaced but it took so long, that in the meantime, my system was down and so I decided to...
  • Post in thread: Upgrade

    No offense, but do you understand how your system and each of the components is supposed to work? From some of your comments, it doesn't seem to me as though you do. This is pretty important so as to not draw down your batteries too much, how to set and monitor charge controller settings, what...
  • Post in thread: Old Trace controller SW4024 proprietary button sequences to charge lifepo4 batteries. I Don't Know !! Can ou please help?

    There is no LiFePO4 setting for this age of Trace inverter. Just use the Lead Acid function and customize the voltages and amps as you or LiFePO4 want in the areas of DC inverting and for AC charging. Disable Equalization by setting the time required to zero and the voltage to be same as your...
  • Post in thread: Should I go for a larger MPPT to get more amps back into the battery?

    And what will you do when there is no direct bright sunshine? Your travels could be influenced or dictated by weather forecasts and or finding the perfect campsite with no tree shading and no clouds and constant direct sun. Is that realistic or desireble? More panels with more watts / amps will...
  • Post in thread: Basic inverter

    Looks nearly identical to an Aims Inverter, although the model I've had experience with is 24 volt, older and so without the tiny LED display. I would also suggest that you download the user manual first and read through it before purchasing, as you'll have to read it anyway and it will give...
  • Post in thread: 1.2 amp fridge; watts per day w/ inverter

    Yes that 1.2 amps you used is not the actual running current. Accurate and detailed data AND methodology matters when figuring this stuff out. No offense, but if you stated data like that in the first post, you would have gotten a correct answer nearly immediately vs going back and forth as...
  • Post in thread: Hello guys I'm new here. I work for a China battery company and I guess I know something you're interesting in. Ask whatever you wanna know

    But for the DIY consumer, it is even more challenging with choosing a good source and prices, out of "tens of thousands" of energy companies, (and a number which seems impossible?). FWIW, I absolutely HATED my Alibaba experience and to me dealing with just one representative was a horrible...
  • Post in thread: Batteries available for canada

    There are No Duties on these products coming into Canada, only the normal sales taxes.
  • Post in thread: Building my first off grid system

    You are putting the cart in front of the horse. You haven't mentioned what the power requirements of your appliances even is, meaning you don't know a watt from a What? Go to the Resources section and download and fill in the Energy Audit spreadsheet and do 2, one for now and 1 for not to...
  • Post in thread: Energy-conscious/efficient off-grid tiny home setup help

    Hopefully someone more knowledgeable than me helps you with your solar panel configuration but my OCD would have me want them all matched and using even numbers like 6 vs 7. I found it stressful enough learning it all this way vs throwing in divergence to have to customize my build. Your power...
  • Post in thread: Hello Everyone! Question about Pool Heating.

    I'll bite. Heating water is an extremely power hungry endeavor. Add to it that you are heating a large cu ft area of uninsulated water in winter makes it daunting to me. What do you mean by winter in your location? How much power in watts at watt voltage is your pool heater? You need to know...
  • Post in thread: Upgrade

    WOW! Looks like an excellent system and EXTREMELY CLEAN!!!! My first inclination is there is no way I'd want to upgrade anything, depending on if the batteries are still okay or near the end of their life. No offence, but have you read the user manuals for each of the parts? That would be an...
  • Post in thread: Monitoring Multiple Batteries

    Thoughts. Does each batteries have it's own BMS? Are the BMS accessible by a BMS display or via a smartphone app and Bluetooth? If there is a BMS but no app access, you might be able to replace the BMS with one that has Bluetooth connection and a smartphone controlled app? If no BMS, then add...
  • Post in thread: New ole geezer with questions! Can anyone help answer

    From one Geezer to another. Did you ever do an Energy Audit before thinking up your set up? Its just a list of all the appliances (including inverter) that you want to use and for how long and listing how many watts in total you will use. Then you need to add up enough solar panels to meet that...
  • Post in thread: automate power on/off of water heater

    Sorry but I don't know anything about Growatt All in One units but just in case, have you checked the Growatt manual under the Solar Charge Controller settings to see if there is a "relay" and settings, so that the Charge Controller (not the inverter) can turn on an external relay switch, when...
  • Post in thread: Which JK BMS should I use for 24v, 8 cells LF280K?

    JK B2A24S20P BMS This is what I chose to use for my 24 volt 8S 305 AHr DIY battery and it is working well in my brief time with it, though I haven't pushed it, as my loads are mostly light. I have never needed an 80 Amp load let alone 200+ amps. 8-24S - 200A Continuous - 350A Peak - 2A Active...
  • Post in thread: Brand

  • Post in thread: inverter

    Yes the search mode needs trial and error with appliances or loads but it is adjustable. It worked great with lights over 8 watts at a more frequent search pulse. I used it that way for many years before I had enough battery and solar recharging power to just leave it on 24/7. It's a feature...
  • Post in thread: Wire crimping lessons and close calls

    Would you all and other posters please name your tools and their costs in your currency and maybe where you purchased it (eg: Amazon USA)? I would think that would be very helpful vs vague references to tools and equipment that are used. It could be a very helpful and shearchable resource.
  • Post in thread: What is the best chest freezer, thickest insualtion, DC, lowest power use, best warranty

    2000W of solar is only part of the requirements. Enough battery power is also required to run things when there is no solar or not enough solar. Solar panels may be inexpensive for some, but do not help during the night and LiFePO4 batteries are not inexpensive.
  • Post in thread: Cheap LF280k battery box from Luyuan

    Would be helpful to the thread and searches to say what dollar the amount is and compare "cheap" to? ?? and could you provide a web page link?
  • Post in thread: Energy-conscious/efficient off-grid tiny home setup help

    Forgot to mention that I also have a 7.2 cu ft freezer using an Inkbird digital thermostat to run as a refrigerator. It uses half of the overall energy that my same freezer does but the same 50-60 watts while running and the same starting surge as the freezer but only runs half as often. So my...
  • Post in thread: Has anyone dealt with

    I can't vouch for as I had not heard of them, but I also have not heard of your listed components and so also do not know of the component specs and so do not know of their value based on your quote. If you haven't done it already, do an energy audit and read and search through the...
  • Post in thread: Still confused by varied vendors using different terminology and levels for the same settings

    Not trying to put you off but there is a resource section and categories and lots of info there, such as: Victron's Energy Unlimited which does a pretty good job at explaining things. As well, as this stuff has been explained before, search these forums for lead acid charging, as well as the...
  • Post in thread: Basic inverter

    Aims LF inverter/charger combos (charger off), have a pretty high idle draw. 3000 watt 24 volt model uses 46.5 watts continuously and 16 watts just in eco / pulse mode. Plus there are a few other things, like the constant buzz, silly potentiometer that falls out and many users lose, a basic...
  • Post in thread: GoWISE Power 2000W review?

    What's the reference point? What does the ad hype vs the manual say? Did you contact the Manufacturer for tech support to ask them? What happens if this is a cheap high frequency inverter that cannot run the microwave or other future appliances or tools? What is your budget? Lots of suitable...
  • Post in thread: automate power on/off of water heater

    Wow, thanks and a Canadian source too! I'll try it with my Victron 150/85 charge controller. Too bad it may not help the OP if the Growatt charge controller doesn't have a relay trigger or dump load function. Here is the Victron Charge Controller video I mentioned that talks about controlling...