diy solar

diy solar

Most reacted threads

  • Eco Foot 2+ for ground mount

    Has anyone considered using something like this for a ground mount?
  • Ground Mounts that Don't Need Permits and Other Design Considerations

    Thinking of how to create panel mounts that fulfill the following: 1. Are not permanent. Sitting on or easily detatched from a concrete pad in the ground is ok. 2. Can be somewhat easily laid flat for transport 3. Are probably PT wood as it's like 1/10th the price Bonus Points for having...
  • Multiple Inverter Wiring

    How do you wire multiple interverters to a breaker box? What's the best way? How do you get their phases to align properly?
  • Ground mount pipe butt joint

    Anyone who has installed a ground mount using 2" galvanized pipe, How did you handle but joints on the horizontal pipe lengths? Is there a coupling? Did you put the butt joint on the top of a post?
  • Best way to anchor panels to mount

    What's the best product to actually do the final mount of the panel to panel rack? Is it worth getting aluminum racks for ground mount or is PT Wood ok? Issues with breaking panels with mounting hardware?
  • Ground Mounts with Solar Ridge - Replace Galvanized Pipe with Wood

    Would like to use Iron Ridge designs that the website creates to develop some ground mount plans. The issue is that they always use galvanized steel pipe, which as far as I can tell, doesn't exist. And / or 3" diameter pipe is $9 / a foot and I need 220 feet. For that I can build a whole shed...
  • Is there a good way to make a residential system removable?

    I don't see this as a common design plan. Is there a way to design a system such that inverters and panels could be removed and just leave a standard grid-supplied system if the home is sold and the future owner doesn't want solar?
  • Efficiency Losses? Panels out vs Inverter out Watts

    So looking at mounting 14 KW of panels (32 445W => 41.2V x 10.8A). Using Enphase Micro inverters, or really, seemingly any inverter, with 98% reported efficiency, yet somehow when I calculate the output that comes out of the combiner, it looks like its going to be about 240v x 32 x 1.35 max...
  • Sizing Wire Gauge to Protected Circuits Panel

    Trying to assess the required loads in a sub panel for the backed up loads. I have a good idea how to assess the loads in the main panel, but what am I going to face when I try to permit this? Is there an expected formula to use like NEC 2017 220.82? for the additional panel?
  • Ground Mounts - Safe For Children to Be Around?

    Anyone have ground mounts next to an area that your family plays in? I'd think that they are pretty safe for anything short of baseball.
  • HOA Sample Guidelines - Good Ones?

    Does anyone happen to live in an HOA that isn't terrible? One that has somewhat rational guidelines and an approach which isn't awful?
  • Is there any way to connect an off-the-shelf LiFePo battery to Enphase System Controller

    I know there are some inverters included in the Enphase battery. But the cost of that battery makes me think there has to be some better way to get something connected. Can you just use a few additional inverters? A 3rd party inverter?
  • Hybrid - Professional Install + DIY Expansion

    So I'm considering getting a roof mounted system. I really have no intention of installing my own roof mount system, so my thought was to just get a simple grid-tie system with Enphase Micro 8+ and some good panels. The bids I have, contractors seem very reluctant to install the Enphase Solar...
  • What happens if I accidentally back feed grid without grid tie agreement.

    So what would happen if I hooked up an inverter, say a SolArk, with no intention of ever backfeeding the grid and connected the grid to it. Then if I were to accidentally change the set up such that the inverter sends power back out to the grid, what would happen? Would it work? Would it break...
  • Affordable Batteries - Growatt Only Option?

    So it seems that the Egyll is the most affordable battery out there. Is it actually quality or is there some other reason its as inexpensive as it is? I know Will reviewed it, but just the typically, 'Get what you pay for' mantra makes you wonder. That said, there seems to only be one...
  • Why do Off-Grid Inverters have AC Inputs?

    Why do Off-Grid Inverters have AC Inputs? Are they just for generators? Do they handle phase issues?
  • Victron - Where safety is optional

    I just have to complain a little bit here. What is up with Victron? You actually have to pay extra (and a LOT extra) for general safety covers for the equipment? $40 to cover the terminals so that general passerbys are able to just brush up against 250V DC? Seriously just crossed them off...
  • What makes a good Solar Panel

    What makes a good solar panel? There are spec-sheet properties, but I'm guessing like everything else, stats like that can be gamed. Spec sheets also don't encompass fit and finish. How about UL certification? Is that critical? Is it worth paying more for? But how big of a difference is...
  • Sizing Wire - Panel to Inverter / Charge Controller

    When using a resource like this: Should I be using the Isc or 156% of Isc? This seems to suggest I should be using the latter, but perhaps the calculator already has that incorporated... Also, is 3% voltage drop the right amount to...
  • Importance of Battery Charger Amperage

    I understand that Battery Chargers are Voltage specific, but what is the difference between a 50A and a 200A charger? Does it just charge batteries more quickly? Can you ruin batteries if you hook up too many Amps?
  • North Carolina HOA Help

    North Carolina has a State Law saying that neither Municipalities nor HOAs are capable of preventing installation of Solar Panels. Despite this and informing my Architectural Review Board, they still refuse to...
  • Federal Tax Credit - DIY Requirements?

    Does the Federal Tax Credit apply to DIY installers? Is there some check other than receipts? Do you need a grid tie agreement or something? The more I think about it, I pretty much doubt it. Should just be receipts...
  • Neutral through a Transfer Switch? With an Off-Grid option

    Ok, I know that if you create a subpanel, you do NOT connect the ground to the neutral in the subpanel. The only place that is to be done is in the main panel. But what if you put a transfer switch between the main and the sub? I just got a transfer switch and the part that switches only...
  • Ground Screws for a ground mount? Anyone use them?

    I've been considering ground screws for mounting my panels rather than concrete piers. Anyone use them? Any issues? Anyone know where best to buy them?
  • Main Panel Bus Bar Size

    Trying to get some direction with SolArk re how best to get enough amps to my subpanel through an Inverter. SolArk tech support is asking what the rating is for the bus bars in my main panel. It's a pretty standard 200A Eaton BR 30 breaker. The sticker doesn't seem to provide the information...

diy solar

diy solar