diy solar

diy solar

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  • Post in thread: New to forum, not so much to electricity.

    Added 2 more 100w panels to the chicken coop so were up to the max listed 400w(on paper) for the SCC it was tight but they all fit. The renogys have a ocv of 24.3v while the new ones are 24.5, is the .2 gonna get me? Time will tell. Kinda bummed i cant check out the output since the bms is down...
  • Post in thread: Battery Blues : first Li Time now SOK

    When wired properly both of the batteries should see a 2a draw. Youre wired improperly.
  • Post in thread: Upside Down Load Center

    Ive never ran into issue installing loadcenters "upside down" same codes still apply no more than 6'6" to highest breaker. You CANNOT however feed a passthrough panel from the lugs connected to the busbars. Your incoming power ABSOLUTELY must terminate at the main breaker.
  • Post in thread: Diy battery boxes

    Ordered a 4s-8s JK BMS with 2amp balance, not exactly what i was hoping for but it will hold me over until im at 12s and will be able to use it else where once this bank gets large. Since beginning this top balance process i have developed a new respect for just how much it takes to fill up...
  • Post in thread: Live Ground Shocked 5 Year Old

    Someone correct me if im wrong as ive no experience with growatt inverters or interconnecting them but from my knowledge this is how it should be wired in its current config id refer to @timselectric for proper bonding to earth. fuse as needed with your 2 growwatts feeding 1 2 pole breaker, then...
  • Post in thread: Live Ground Shocked 5 Year Old

    No worries, wont get anymore ass hattery out of me. Breaker for growatt should be (device rating in watts)÷ 240v rounded down to the next available breaker size.
  • Post in thread: Opinions on charger for top balancing.

    Looking for yalls input on using this ISDT Q8 for top charging my bank, i originally purchased it years ago to charge my lipo drone batteries though as you can see it has life settings, i know its probably not ideal but will do up to 20amps with a proper power supply, currently using a laptop...
  • Post in thread: Live Ground Shocked 5 Year Old

    Its still L1 of the growatt
  • Post in thread: Opinions on charger for top balancing.

    Thanks for the reply, i did feel a bit daft asking but ya never know
  • Post in thread: BMS active balancer becomes unbalancer as cells age

    Got a pic of batt wiring?
  • Post in thread: Diy battery boxes

    Just a quick battery box question..ive never seen one, ive never assembled one. I have this aluminum case that was previously used to ship wine bottles in(from tiger woods FL house, the one he lost in the divorce. Was a really nice house.) It fits my bank nicely with room for insulation and the...
  • Post in thread: Live Ground Shocked 5 Year Old

    Yes, though op isnt in america and electricity isnt racist.
  • Post in thread: Need some guidance before I pull the trigger

    While i would never try and shy anyone away from getting an inspection,as they tend to keep contractors honest, inspectors job is to make sure the work completed is up to local code, they typically do not and will not inspect to see if the equipment functions or is wired properly, in your...
  • Post in thread: Batteries won't charge on small solar system

    Personally even with paralell circuits i dont terminate on 1 battery and prefer to have them terminate on each end cell, distance matters with DC since you are effectively doubling the length compared to an AC circuit
  • Post in thread: Live Ground Shocked 5 Year Old

    Maybe. But his isnt.
  • Post in thread: Live Ground Shocked 5 Year Old

    Bet ya didnt see that mny problem lol @timselectric
  • Post in thread: Live Ground Shocked 5 Year Old

    It is my understanding(which could be wrong), inverters for the U.S market come split phase 120/240 wheres as his units only put out 240 hence the need for the auto transformer.
  • Post in thread: my third up in smoke story, technically its my second timeline wise.. but who is counting?

    Sucks when parts dry up. While the genset maybe no good anymore it sounds like you still have a good engine for other projects or salvage generators.
  • Post in thread: Diy battery boxes

    Well i was finally able to get that bank of batteries charged and noticed the bms allowed cell #2 to reach 3.7+v with a high volt cut off set at 3.6, so the daly is getting returned and am in the market for a new bms, which is ok since ive got some time doing a top balance after i had tested the...
  • Post in thread: Connect two 2-pole breakers together?

    You would be looking for something like this you could snag the bar from, to my knowledge they do not make such a device for aftermarket modifications. However they may make a quad breaker in the flavor your looking for and you could modify a bar from a 2 pole breaker to interlock all 4 handles...
  • Post in thread: Diy battery boxes

    Basic layout, have a piece of plastic lining the bottom, insulaters at the ends and between each cell, still waiting on bms to arrive. inverter was a gift from an old employer if you were curious about the selection lol
  • Post in thread: Live Ground Shocked 5 Year Old

    That may be the biggest issue he has though it is not the only. Auto Xfmr still not bonded i can for sure see that. Nor is that how i would prefer to see the disconnects wired. BUT... this is DIY so long as it works!
  • Post in thread: Any one do load tests on banks 3p+? Voltage matters not.

    Was wondering if anyone did load tests on batteries with 3 or more cells in parallel. I have a question /theory regarding configuration.
  • Post in thread: Connect two 2-pole breakers together?

    Thats a main only has 2 inputs. I did google 4 pole breaker tie and was surprised to get some hit for square d and other generic stuff but its gonna be a diy solution dont think youll find anything factory
  • Post in thread: Connect two 2-pole breakers together?

    Yes that one you posted appears to be what your looking for. ITs actually not too paid compared to what some breakers costs(10's of thousands) depening what your looking for.