diy solar

diy solar

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  • Post in thread: Trump

    I agree with you voting is pointless.....that said I will still do it because it is something you should do. If you think your vote counts you have not been paying attn.
  • Post in thread: 240v, 241 what ever it takes....Inverter question.

    Well that is going to be something I need to think about. I could always roll up to 24-48 then when things fall apart I would have the 12v that would run on whatever I could find in the wild. You did explain why my own research hit a dead end. I would like to stay under 48 if possible.
  • Post in thread: Connect multiple batteries

    I am a noobie myself but can add a few things. There are places on the internet that will tell you for this amp draw use this size of wire. And all wire is not created equal.
  • Post in thread: Off topic, EV vehicle opinions…

    The cars in the videos I posted are brand new. One of them was a loaner from the dealership while their car was in for repair. It is clear you don't watch the videos as that is talked about in the video itself.
  • Post in thread: Trump

    Trump is no saint, that much is clear. In this coming election, if there is one, where you put your dot means little. Back when elections mattered people said, well it was a choice between two evils. Now you don't even get a choice, you may think you do, but you don't. And it does not matter...
  • Post in thread: Solar with a automatic transfer panel for Generator already installed.

    I am going to try to explain this well. I already have a system for my shop, works well and I have no issues with that. I am looking at one of two things, tie the shop solar into the house, or a different entire system for the house. In the house there is a automatic transfer panel that will...
  • Post in thread: Off topic, EV vehicle opinions…

    Here you guys go, this is a pretty rough video, so I suggest you don't play it with young ones around. Here we see the Chinese labor model in Africa in action. This is all to keep the raw materials coming for you to feel good about yourself and your electric car. Again this is a real rough...
  • Post in thread: The Great Reset. Globalist Scumbags. Things that don't fit somewhere else.

    He is accurate, just look at Trump. Like him or hate him, he is an outsider and that is the real issue both sides hate him.
  • Post in thread: Heating harvested rain water

    I have been in the shop for years, when I put the sink in this summer I thought I died and gone to heaven. I never knew how nice it is to wash your is fantastic. So many people say it will not freeze, but like the other person said, it can get cold enough to walk on a lake....I...
  • Post in thread: using a gun safe for battery

    Being a "gun nut" I can tell you not all "safes" are made equal. What you talk about in your river story sounds like a "cabinet". What you are looking at is a "safe". If you plan on drilling holes in it for some reason you might have your work set out for you. Some are filled with concrete...
  • Post in thread: solar panels laying flat

    I did a compromise setup as well. I hung mine on the side of my shop. I am old and I just don't want to go up on the roof, and I don't want to ask my kid (27) or anyone else to do something I don't want to do. Asking them to do something I can't do, well that is different. I think unless...
  • Post in thread: Chinese Diesel Heater, powering the thing.

    I left that part out, sorry. I can hook the volt meter inline and see the voltage, sits above 13v the entire time. It really has me puzzled.
  • Post in thread: 24v heating pads on 4s battery packs?

    I will have to look at home to see what mine are, but those are not it. IIRC mine shutoff at 40-something. I know just yesterday I put my hand on the pads and they are cool to the touch. It was mid 70's yesterday. This morning it is 20F so I bet they kicked on again. Stupid weather.
  • Post in thread: Can Solar & Wind Fix Everything (e.g., Climate Change) with a battery break-through?

    Now apply that same process to the the symbol of your climate change religion, electric cars.
  • Post in thread: Connect Solar and Wind Turbine in parallel ?

    I am going to shoot from the hip here, guessing 36"-42", fairly big, and it took 3 of us straining to get it mounted. About 6 years ago my health went south and it has not seen the light of day. Now getting back on my feet and feeling like doing, and this is something that always interested...
  • Post in thread: I’ve been struck by the solar lightning bug! (Setup advice)

    You sound a bit like me. I don't know your laws there so I will assume it is ok for you to start screwing with electrical in your house. Personally I think it is a must if you want to learn about this stuff. And that is what I wanted as well, but for me you need to think along the lines of...
  • Post in thread: Can Solar & Wind Fix Everything (e.g., Climate Change) with a battery break-through?

    Only thing I can say is there are people in too deep to be saved. Some can have items placed right in front of their noses and still refuse to see what is there. You just can't help those people, they are lost.
  • Post in thread: Can I split solar panels to different charge controllers?

    Ok one for each battery type, thanks.
  • Post in thread: America's melting pot

    I would also suggest a cover on your IBC container, green water is not fun even if you just use it to water the garden.
  • Post in thread: The Great Reset

    There will without a doubt be some of that, but it will mostly be the proles killing the several million spilling across the border.
  • Post in thread: 240v, 241 what ever it takes....Inverter question.

    I have not said much about my setup, it is in my shop and runs "most" things in the shop. I have this inverter, the small old one is just a backup. I actually don't even have it anymore I gave it to the in laws so next time they loose power for a week they can open the garage door and keep a...
  • Post in thread: How to use excess solar/transfer load?

    I will be interested on seeing what these folks say. It kinda makes you feel like you are tossing money out the window when those batteries hit 100% don't it. Currently for me and my setup it is just not used. Batteries full the charge controller stops and the thing will beep saying hay the...
  • Post in thread: Dumb heating element and water pump

    Do you have anything for the floor heat now? Pumps, heater anything. Reason I ask is if you could hook it up to a generator you already own, or could borrow you will get a real world estimate on just how long it is going to take your floor to get up to temp. Personally I think it is going to...
  • Post in thread: Off topic, EV vehicle opinions…

    Thank you for proving that the normal everyday citizen wants nothing to do with them.
  • Post in thread: Has anyone been hassled by their electric company.

    When I first got married we lived in an 8'x40' travel trailer. The heat did not work when we moved in, around Nov I got it fixed. Now this is darn near 40 years ago so I don't remember the costs, but they sent out a guy to read the meter twice to make sure it was correct. It went sky high...
  • Post in thread: Solar panel ground instllation.

    I am finally getting ready to setup my small array (8 100w renergy panels) These are going to be used really as something to fool with. They are going into my shop and I already have an inverter and some batteries. I already know they will run the lights for quite some time, and things like a...
  • Post in thread: Dumb heating element and water pump

    I see where you are going, I will tell you about the two folk I know with the systems. Now I don't know their bills, or time to get "warm" but I do know a little bit about two systems on each end of the extreme. Guy one lives in northern ID almost Canada. His system in in a VERY nice hanger...
  • Post in thread: 12v or 48v system in RV?

    Not sure I understand, I have had several amp meters show me 100+a, and with it being 12v at its best it is only a few volts above that. The same circuits also show when on "main" have the same amp draw when on the inverter. I know I am missing something, forgive me I am new. I have done...