diy solar

diy solar

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  • Post in thread: What was your worse DIY solar mistake ever?

    175' of buried conduit that I should have gone a size up on.
  • Post in thread: My 44kW vertical and bifacial set in Finland.

    A popular YT account posted recently about vertical installations and how they are finding higher generation with them due to the panels operating at a lower temperature even in not cold climates. Obviously these are bifacial panels, which is what I have as well. I have a set of panels on the...
  • Post in thread: EG4 Lifepower4 48V Top Balancing Firmware.

    This is absolutely why you should not be flashing new firmware to a battery until it is tested for awhile by others. I am grid tied and wont touch it for at least a month. Don't be a beta tester if you cant have the downtime. This is not snarky, this is just reality. Don't do this to yourself.
  • Post in thread: Parallel Config - SolArk 15K adding more panels

    Sorry, my question was worded weird. I used the calculator, it works, it was more on the question of needing a box which after posting I realized I don't. I am going to simply use the MC4 branch/parallel connectors to do it rather than a combiner box. I see thats really for those without...
  • Post in thread: Solark 15K - Daily disconnect from grid (duke energy)

    Just put a service request in, it seems they take this pretty seriously :)
  • Post in thread: Sol-Ark Owners: FYI, MySolark will cause limitations on PV production for 15K

    Since the migration to my solark I modified my system work mode settings and it errored on my Max Solar Power settings. The app/web interface allow a MAXIMUM of 12000W. Obviously this is a major issue and Solark Support confirmed it with me just now. You can obviously set this on the inverter...
  • Post in thread: Solar Panels - Low purchase quantity

    I posted in the wrong thread :( ... not enough coffee today!
  • Post in thread: Parallel Config - SolArk 15K adding more panels

    I knew I should have done it but my buddy said "nah, no need". Live and learn!
  • Post in thread: Duke Energy = No Line Side tap and im over current on bus bar. Options?

    Found it inside, bus bar is 225A
  • Post in thread: Solar Risks with EMF

    I don't really know of any respected study that has shown EMF to really cause health issues. I know a lot of people who have said it does, but beyond that I think there are a few thousand other things to be concerned with (PFAS, etc).
  • Post in thread: What percentage of the rated wattage is your array producing

    Heat also impacts production, and we have had a lot of hot days thus far. I am still in general producing what the PVwatts calculator estimated for my array, many times going over it between 3-6kWh. But for your array, not being positioned optimally, sounds about right. My array faces as close...
  • Post in thread: Solark 15k setting no battery won’t power loads on grid

    Updating this to say I have added the two batteries for a total of 4 (20kWh) and that makes a hugeeee impact on things. I cannot wait for another 2 to round this out .. or another 8 to give me 60kWh. :)
  • Post in thread: EG4 Lifepower4 48V Top Balancing Firmware.

    I upgraded my 4 packs I bought last year along with the two new I just purchased. The four older lifepower4 set showed a cell and pack over voltage until I discharged a bit. Is there any concern with this since I was running older firmware? It seems the previous firmware was allowing cell/pack...
  • Post in thread: Solark 15k setting no battery won’t power loads on grid

    I finally have my system up, sort of. Following the Solark 30 minute video they indicate to check the “no battery” option if you, indeed, have no battery. We are grid tied, and when checking that setting the system won’t power any loads from the grid or PV. Disabling that setting brings power...
  • Post in thread: EV Owners chime in please

    I have a 2021 Tesla Model 3 LR, basing my answers off that. 1) Minimal, in fact, I did a 1.25 hour drive yesterday and my AC usage was around 1-2% of my battery usage at most. 2) Works as well as when it is moving. :) 3) Most modern cars can as they actively manage the battery temperatures. In...
  • Post in thread: String sizing for Grid Tie inverter

    Fantastic, I feel like I am not as out of touch with reality as I thought I was. I will check into the peak wattage limits. Thank you, thank you thank you for sharing your knowledge with me. I greatly appreciate it!
  • Post in thread: No issue. I did it. 20k phantom load and lost all settings and lost AC Couple on 18kpv

    If the system logs IPs obviously that could be confirmed with the OP via PM. But again this is a common thing with password reuse (not saying that happened as I have no clue about millsan1s "opsec").
  • Post in thread: EG4 Lifepower4 48V Top Balancing Firmware.

    That’s the issue, until the firmware update yesterday there was no OV condition. After the firmware update is when all four packs three pack and cell OV protection. So it was running in this state for almost a year now, the new firmware just brings the condition to light. Edit: checked again...
  • Post in thread: Solark 15k setting no battery won’t power loads on grid

    I've been talking with a very helpful person on an EG4 group on Facebook. Basically, two batteries isn't enough but four will be for now. I've taken the batteries out of closed loop comms with the inverter and I am running off batt V, with a charge rate of 20A max. It seems these batteries when...
  • Post in thread: Solark 15k setting no battery won’t power loads on grid

    I did some research over the weekend and found a few major issues. I was discharging at an insane rate, 1C. I was charging, at least initially, at a crazy rate of .5C. I have pulled this back significantly. .2C charging and .2C discharge for now. I have two more batteries arriving Wednesday...
  • Post in thread: EG4 Monitor security.

    Disconnect until you need to connect. Run local instances such as Solar Assistant or Home Assistant with an integration which will give you better data anyways. In terms of it being a platform to be targeted for the purpose to deny service; unlikely, mainly because there are far easier targets...
  • Post in thread: Bad days for Solar Production.

    I installed three mini split units last year replacing our central system. House is warmer/cooler and for much less. Bonus is solar has no issues powering it.
  • Post in thread: EG4 Lifepower4 48V Top Balancing Firmware.

    Looks like a week has gone by since this update was out, any issues being seen with it? FYI, if you have a MacBook with the M series SoC (ha, not state of charge...) the provided BMS test utility works well and was far easier than my windows laptops (it seems b/c the default driver sucks)...
  • Post in thread: No issue. I did it. 20k phantom load and lost all settings and lost AC Couple on 18kpv

    Besides arguing the fact I don't use words real good that often, I have not seen a single session cookie exported from a user of ours but I have seen hundreds of compromises based on phishing and just simple password re-use. But, the real point to this was not how it was done but simply...
  • Post in thread: EG4 Lifepower4 48V Top Balancing Firmware.

    I am really looking forward to running this firmware after hearing this. I still need two more batteries for six total, but anything I can get for "free" is fantastic.
  • Post in thread: 15k Sol-ark what panels to max output?

    I have (or, will have) 14 of the Jinko 535W panels on MPPT2 for my 15k. Currently running 7 of them in a temporary config until I can get my buddy over with his dingo to get holes dug for my EG4 bright mounts. Those panels are producing well in non optimal conditions, im sure the 565 will be...
  • Post in thread: SolArk 15K lightning protection

    Yeah this is actually what I am using at my array for DC isolation. I have two 4 pole units. Needing something closer to the inverter.
  • Post in thread: EG4 Lifepower4 48V Top Balancing Firmware.

    If you buy this, use code lifepower4 which makes it free.
  • Post in thread: EG4 Lifepower4 48V Top Balancing Firmware.

    As much as I love to tinker .. I don't like to with batteries :) I'll give it a month and then check in.
  • Post in thread: Sol-Ark 15K All in One Inverter Released.

    For a number of reasons (Duke Energy being a pain was the start to it) and deciding that I really do want batteries (probably this year) it didn't make sense to go with the Growatt MIN series that I had purchased, so it is going back. I am sending my payment for the 15K today. Edit: I want to...
  • Post in thread: EG4 Lifepower4 48V Top Balancing Firmware.

    The two at the top are brand new, the other four are about 8 months old now. The two new ones just need to exercise a bit from what I can tell. Setting the hub back to 56.2V for charging has resolved the issues where literally everything was sent into OV protection/warning which would cause my...
  • Post in thread: AIO as a UPS

    If cost is just the concern and not really "get off the grid" or drastically reduce power from grid ... I would just snag a heat pump mini split and run with it. We replaced all of our HVAC this year with three units from Seville and the power draw is super low. It might be more cost effective...
  • Post in thread: EG4 Lifepower4 48V Top Balancing Firmware.

    Stats from home assistant queried directly from the battery bank. Doing a deeper discharge today to hopefully help this issue.
  • Post in thread: Duke Energy = No Line Side tap and im over current on bus bar. Options?

    Thank you both!!!
  • Post in thread: Solar set up for ev charger

    I currently have a 11kW system and on these very nice days with grid tie (so zero throttling due to not having a place to store electric) I can hit around 70-80kWh. I charge our EV with this with no problem (and run the house, etc). You could have a much smaller system just depending on driving...
  • Post in thread: EG4 Lifepower4 48V Top Balancing Firmware.

    @ChillnGrill not sure what your post was, but none of my statements here conflict because I am not installing the update for at least a month, as I stated above. One can be excited about a patch but still be waiting to install it. :)
  • Post in thread: EG4 Lifepower4 48V Top Balancing Firmware.

    Nope, just excited to get extra capacity but don't want the early adopter problems. :)
  • Post in thread: Inverter total voltage

    Thanks! Already did the cold weather calculations but always forgot to ask if that was per MPPT. This makes it much easier :)
  • Post in thread: No issue. I did it. 20k phantom load and lost all settings and lost AC Couple on 18kpv

    Honestly these platforms really do concern me in terms of security. There is no MFA option for the service that Sol-Ark uses and the overall feeling there doesn't scream "we are super secure" to me.
  • Post in thread: Mixing EG4 Lifepower4 and wall mount indoor 14.3kWh

    I went with two additional Lifepower4 server rack batteries instead. Kept it simple.
  • Post in thread: String configuration with SolArk 15K

    Thank you for the details! I forgot to add this is all a ground mount system, so thankfully no roof walking is needed. We wont be meeting the total kWh that I need per day with this system, right now this is to offset as much energy usage as I can until I can add more panels later. I in a knee...
  • Post in thread: Parallel Config - SolArk 15K adding more panels

    Good day everyone! We installed our SolArk 15K with 20 Canadian Solar 445W bifacial panels in a 7,7,6 configuration. I am highly addicted to solar and bringing our energy bill to zero if possible. Our panels are working great and we want to add another 14 panels, 535W Jinko Tiger panels from...
  • Post in thread: No issue. I did it. 20k phantom load and lost all settings and lost AC Couple on 18kpv

    The username there matches the username here. Guessing the account was compromised (most likely scenario).
  • Post in thread: Communications between Sol-Ark 15k and EG4 Communications Panel

    I’m bumping this thread because after the firmware update yesterday I see the exact behavior with my 15k. How is it going now? This is with the latest communications hub firmware too.
  • Post in thread: Bad days for Solar Production.

    Not the freight company in this case ... whoever packaged this was not good at it. It was dangerous to actually unpack because it was so unstable. Edit: I reached out to the company I purchased from and they were very quick to refund me. I honestly ordered a couple extra just in case of this...
  • Post in thread: Solark 15K - Daily disconnect from grid (duke energy)

    Outside of Cincinnati, OH on the east side.
  • Post in thread: String sizing for Grid Tie inverter

    Found our interconnection documentation, for the RSD: A disconnect switch that meets the following criteria: (i) The disconnect switch must be capable of isolating the DER for the purposes of safety during EDU system maintenance and during emergency conditions. (ii) The disconnect switch...
  • Post in thread: Lifepower4 - One battery (out of two) went to 0% suddenly

    Spoke with SignatureSolar support, the CMOS being off is due to one of the cells being over voltage. I am discharging the batteries right now to around 50% to make sure that clears. Support indicated setting the float V to 54, but this setting is overridden by on the inverter due to the closed...

diy solar

diy solar