I like the Growatt too. Have you had ANY interaction with Signature Solar. Their negative attitude towards their customers concerning their product before the purchase leads me to believe they would be a disaster to work with after a $20,000.00 purchase. ALL I can imagine them saying after my...
Thanks for the quick replies. I left out the GW paralleling and the power sharing wire connections because David Poz has a great you-tube showing how easy it is and I didn't want to clutter the diagram. The welder and Hot water are for future use and not used at all. When I built the house I put...
I upgraded my 4 growatt 5k es inverters with SS's help and it updated perfectly. Did not fix my problem of 3 inverters not starting with PV power, but did upgrade the max amps from 18a to 22amps.
Is Anyone currently using 1 or more SPF Growatt 5000 ES, or know anyone (that can be contacted for comments) that is already using this system that works the way it is advertised to work? What I mean is, it is connected to their house and it powers the complete house with just PV power during a...
FYI Taxes due is misleading. Tax liability is what it is. You can get prepaid payments or paycheck withholdings refunded. Other than that Tim is right on.
I already checked and I DO NOT need a permit where I live and The Electric Company Has no Say in my Off grid System with no net meter needed. ( or wanted). I tried going the net meter grid tied route but the electric Company so politely said they would sell to me at 12 cent/ Kwh and buy my...
What is being said on that thread has gone in circles so many times I can't even figure out what is being said that works and what doesn't work. Unless YOU plan to personally fix the problem for the followers of that thread then a final decision of what works needs to be made and simplified so...
I finally got it drawn up. Here is the PV ground mount the way I plan to set it up 2@6s2p and 1@3s2p. The only way I can think to get AC to the GW "AC in" is to add 2 new panels. One to be a new main 200A panel and the other to be a solar production panel only and change my original main house...
Don't most people that want an off grid converter that is grid tied because they want PV first then battery then grid then generator. Doesn't that cover all the bases. Power no matter what. I'm in the planning process and ready to purchase 30 - 395 watt panels. 2 x 6s2p and 1 x 3s2p. Each of the...
I'm not an electrician. It is my understanding that SPF5000 ES has a 450 VOC definite maximum and 18 amp cut off. Above 18Amps would just be clipped and no harm to the inverter, but go over 450 volts and your inverter dies. At 49.5 VOC per panel your maximum series would be 9 panels, however...
With the growatt SPF 5000 ES L=Line 1, G=Ground and N=Line 2. L1 & L2 are 120 volts each. No neutral is connected to the growatt inverter at AC in or AC out. The neutral is supplied to the neutral bar in the breaker box by the split phase transformer.
I've talked to my insurance agent and he didn't have a problem adding it to my policy. He said if it is not already covered in outside structures, it would only add about $10 a month. I'll be getting more detail from him soon. Also, I am not totally off grid. I'll be using an off grid inverter...
Just to help you understand, the 15Kw never goes through the transformer. The transformer only balances the load between the two phases. A 240v appliance pulls equal amps from each 120v leg, but if you are using 3-120v from the same phase the transformer needs to balance the two phases . The...
Apparently, with Emphase inverters your going grid tied with a net-meter. you should look into using an off grid converter that is grid tied and zero feed back to utility. No utility paperwork and in some cases, no permits and the power doesn't go out when the utility is down. Check out...
The program I use is a part of "Punch, Home Design and Landscape Pro" called "detail", it works similar to a Generac cadd program I used for years. I've had it for about 7 years and I used it (The 3D Part) to design my house I built 6 years ago. I went to vertical panels for several reasons. 1...
Does anybody know what Signature Solar in Texas has to say about this. I just got a quote for a 48v SPF 5000 ES off grid Inverter for $899.00 plus $399.00 for the Transformer Kit and it's my understanding that the load will pull first from PV and charge the battery with extra or pull from the...
I would run 4s1p to each inverter and use 10awg wires to run from panels to inverters. since you plan to put in more panels you could do up to 6s2p per inverter (24 panels) with no additional wiring. Makes it easy to add panels later and not have to run new wires to the inverters every time. top...
That makes it look almost to simple. Am I correct to say the Grid could connect between the Generator and the charge controller with a transfer switch. Also, your Charge controller could be the SPF Growatt 5000 ES with a Transformer.
My generator and the grid are separated with an Auto transfer switch, so they would never work together. The SPF growatt 5000 ES advertises quote, "The 5000ES can work with or without batteries and even pair with the Utility if solar is not enough to power a load". What I'm Interested in is the...
"The Growatt SPF 5000W ES is the all-in-one inverter/charger you need to take control of your energy bill. The 5000ES can work without batteries and even pair with the Utility if solar is not enough to power a load. Can Stack 6 Units! (30kW of Capacity)
This backup power, self consumption...
CCat, Why do you have 2 midpoint transformers. One is all that is needed to split the 240v into two 120v. David Poz has a good you-tube explaining this. OR am I missing something. I'm new to this, but trying to learn.
If I switch the Generator interlock switch that would enable Grid only and shut of all power to solar. Both transformers and all 3 inverters will shut down. Am I missing something here? It seems if I put in a 2nd transfer switch, it would do the same thing as the generator interlock. ???
I 've gotten the same negative response from Signature Solar. They could sell $18K to $20K of solar to me based on them saying and advertise a lot of promises, but when you ask them to explain, they like to say DIY, just DIY. Their reputation is rapidly going into the toilet. So many people say...
You said "the Growatt charger is a simple on/off charger. ON at setting 12, OFF at setting 13. No absorption or float phases." That's not how those settings work at all. Setting 12 for me is 29% and that is when the battery is discharging and the inverter will switch to grid and wait for PV to...
The SPF Growatt 5000 ES in an Off grid inverter that can not back feed to the grid and I have come to the conclusion that YES it can pair with the grid. Go to this link and he shows a very short and simple example of it doing just that. No Battery Solar Power System. Growatt Inverter SPF 5000...
$50K seems over kill to me. This is my system. 30-395W panels with 3 IMO disconnects on 2 Ground mounts, 4- Growatt 5000 ES Inverters, 2- Split phase Transformers, 1- FS140 Surge protector and 2 added (other than original house panel) breaker panels. Total cost about $26K before $7k in Federal...
You don't understand what is available with off Grid AND grid tied and are not willing to even learn about what is changing on a daily basis. You CAN now build a modest system that saves you money on everything produced and pairs with the Grid for whatever you need that is more than you can...
I'm setting up 3 SPF Growatt 5000 ES which have 1 PV input per GW. I will have 1 Serial, paralleled string going to each "PV in" on each GW. If I shut it down, I would assume I would lose that string as well. Maybe your right and it wouldn't. I'm just a DIY'er. I'm definitely not positive.
I am definitely no expert on this, but my understanding is using some of the split phase inverters, for instance a 5Kw inverter can only supply 2.5Kw to each leg which is fine if both phases are balanced, but if 1 phase spikes it can only spike to 2.5Kw. With the 5Kw GW and a split phase...
I must be missing something here! 1st, for about the same cost I can get 1 GW 12kw with a Max 7Kw PV input and Max 250Vdc input or have the redundancy of 3 GW totaling 15Kw stackable to 30Kw with a max PV input of 6Kw each or 18Kw, stackable to 36Kw total max PV input and 450Vdc imput and 2...
Thanks, That is nice to know that if I don't need the 3rd GW for power that I could possibly turn it off and not loose any PV input and save about 70 watts/hour idle consumption. When I get mine up and running, I'll definitely try it out.
I don't understand the utility first priority??? Don't most people that want an off grid converter that is grid tied because they want PV first then battery then grid then generator. Doesn't that cover all the bases. Power no matter what. I'm in the planning process and ready to purchase 30 -...
Thanks, I'll be looking close at that, but really that is above my level of knowledge. Not sure what I'll do. Wait to purchase and build until I know for sure. I'm already building the ground mount. I may just end up with 2 strange looking storage sheds.
The Only question I have asked is will...
I answered Offgrid100's question ( how to hook up AC in on the Growatt inverter ) correctly and I noticed you haven't answered it at all. I ran power to the inverter from a 50Amp breaker to AC in and connected it as I answered before. G to G, L1 to L1, and L2 to N. That is the way SS says to...
I finally got it drawn up. Here is the PV ground mount the way I plan to set it up. The only way I can think to get AC to the GW "AC in" is to add 2 new panels. One to be a new main 200A panel and the other to be solar production panel only and change my original main house panel with almost all...
Concerning your edit: The problem is I have asked questions on several sites and could not figure out how to set up my system to work using the individual spot advice from several people. I thought that if I drew up a plan from advice given by several people (some experienced and some maybe not)...
Don't most people that want an off grid converter that is grid tied because they want PV first then battery then grid then generator. Doesn't that cover all the bases. Power no matter what. I'm in the planning process and ready to purchase 30 -395 watt panels. 2 x 6s2p and 1 x 3s2p. Each of the...
The $2700 I mentioned is for 3 Growatt Inverters capable of 6000W each, so I would not be over paneled. Earlier in this string I mention I would be running 2 string @ 6s2p and 1 string @ 3s2p. 3 paralleled Growatts for 3 strings of panels. The 6s2p would be about 295 VOC and about19.2A. (only...
This is the way I am doing mine. Still not proven, I'm just starting to build my ground mount. I have done a lot of research but haven't gotten much help or approval. I think this will work good and I think it will do what you want too. The Generator interlock makes it easy to switch from Grid...
I was told by people smarter than me that as an off grid inverter it can not feed back into the grid when grid is up or down. I haven't put much thought into it because I have a Generac 22Kw whole house backup natural gas generator that I've had for 6 years that has a 200Amp Transfer Switch...
Like I said , TOO closed minded to learn. You should quit preaching and start learning about new tech before you criticize. Sol-Ark was mentioned because I've read A lot of your post. There is no doubt you worship Sol-Ark and hate Growatt.
Has anyone had success (or failures) updating the firmware version on a Growatt SPF 5000 ES (US model from Signature Solar). I have 4 - 5k Inverters ,they have been working for about 2 months now. They are supposed to start up when PV power is turned on to them. At first 3 of my 4 inverters...
Thanks, I change the 3s2p to 6s1p. I plan on 10awg from the panels. I'd sure like to see your plans when you get them done. I might be consulting Engineer775 before this is done.
I understand Sig Solar's situation and I trust your responses. I would love to hear a response to #58 comment about his inverters going to sleep and waking up when powered again. Would you be able to test that theory.
I plan to use my full house breaker box on my 3300 sq. ft. house. My heating and air conditioner is a 6 ton Geothermal unit and preheats my hot water before entering the on demand gas HW heater.. It's quite efficient at about 26 SEER and I installed a soft start. All lights are LED. I have 2...
I realize the Growatt is 230V. That is the purpose of the mid point split phase inverter to split the 240 into 2- 120V phases. I think I want 2 in parallel to double the amps and to cover a possible problem mentioned on other sites of tripping one leg and not balancing the circuit panel. I've...
Why 2s4p? The 395w panels I'm getting (Bi-facial Half cut from Signature Solar) would be 98v and 39A. That seems backwards to me. Most want High volts low amps like 4s2p. That would be 196V 19.4A. That would allow smaller wires and match more Inverters. Just a thought.
After I have 3 Inverters I may buy a 4th. I was planning to do that as future spare parts, but I could just hook it up and turn it off if not needed and turn it on if necessary.
Where is the thread that addresses this. I would like to read it. This week I updated both CPU's on my 4 Growatt SPF 5000 ES inverters to versions 040 06 C.01 for CPU1 and 041 06 C.01 for CPU2. I believe these are the latest versions available. My inverters so far have been maxing at 18.2 Amps...
Yes, those are the panels. So far I'm really sold on the Growatt 5000 ES. 15Kw for $2700 and it seems to do exactly what I want is hard to beat. I still haven't Seen a diagram that shows all the hookups, meaning, PV to GW, Batteries to GW, Grid and Generator to Transfer switch then TS to ? (main...
This is my last revision. It is laid out exactly like it is going into my garage. (Hopefully my last revision) I originally planned to get 3 inverter and one extra for future backup. Since then I've learned that I can just hook it up and if I don't need it I can just turn it off with no...
So the answer is putting a note on every plug in the house as to what can be plugged in or just move breakers around daily as the kids plug new stuff in not caring whether the electrical is balanced on each phase. If you ask most kids ( or adult as far as that goes) where electricity comes from...
Thanks again. If I buy 3 or 4 GW's and find I only need two to run my house I can just turn off one of the slave units and save the 60 watts per hour Idle cost and if I ever have problems with one inverter or I need more power I can just turn it on. Seems like a good Insurance policy and 26% Tax...
Lets see if I've got what your saying. Nope, I don't. How can I connect the grid to the same panel the inverters and transformers are connected to, KaBoom! Do you mean I need a third panel. Now I'm lost. DO you know if anywhere on the Forum or internet someone has drawn a wiring diagram for the...
I have 4 Growatt 5000 ES from SS and 30 Kwh of LiFe batteries. My batteries barely last 1 night. I also have a 22Kw Generac whole house generator. During a prolonged power outage my generac would auto start and supply power the the house same as grid bypass does, but the cost to run 24hr/day...
Thanks, I already started a new thread called
SPF Growatt 5000 ES System. Design review and suggestions
Please visit that thread. your input would be greatly valued.
I have 4 Growatt SPF 5000 ES inverters, 30 - 395W panels and 30Kwh of LiFe 48V batteries. At first when I start up my system 1 of my 4 inverters would not start up with PV power as it should . They all do start up when the inverter is turned on and seem to work correctly. After about 3 week I...
I just watched your video again and realized if the unit still charges it probably still uses the idle 60 watt/hr. Oh well, I will keep thinking about it.