diy solar

diy solar

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  • Post in thread: Pros/Cons to 2-Sol-Ark 8K's vs. 1-Sol-Ark 15K

    The EG4's are off-grid only, or I would definitely have considered them. I know the 12K's and 15K's can be stacked. If the 8K can't be, that makes my choice easy. 15K it is!
  • Post in thread: Signature Solar wins... I lose.

    It is ridiculous that you should order extra panels to cover damage. It is not the buyer's responsibility to package products appropriately. It is not the buyer's responsibility to have the shipper properly handle the products. Pass the buck and blame the buyer? That's B.S.
  • Post in thread: Pros/Cons to 2-Sol-Ark 8K's vs. 1-Sol-Ark 15K

    While I know that is on the agenda in the US and a few other countries, I live in México, and that is nowhere on the horizon in the vast majority of the country. Hybrid vehicles are fairly new (and not very popular) here and there is almost no infrastructure in place or even planned for EV’s in...
  • Post in thread: Pros/Cons to 2-Sol-Ark 8K's vs. 1-Sol-Ark 15K

    I disagree - especially with your conclusions about México. México can and does independently produce cars and petroleum at a rate that far exceeds their consumption of either. México doesn’t need to rely on anyone else or be told what to do by anyone else. Your (and my) opinions, speculations...
  • Post in thread: Pros/Cons to 2-Sol-Ark 8K's vs. 1-Sol-Ark 15K

    I ended up buying the 15K and plan to install it in 4-6 weeks
  • Post in thread: Battery cables & wiring questions to Sol-Ark 15k?

    Thank you, thank you! What an amazing and thorough response. This is incredibly helpful.
  • Post in thread: Pros/Cons to 2-Sol-Ark 8K's vs. 1-Sol-Ark 15K

    Really good points - the 15K is probably overkill for me now, but things can always change, and I'd rather have more than enough, than not enough.
  • Post in thread: Can I use a 48V Golf Cart Battery charger for this?

    OK - It is apparent that this charger was designed for Lead Acid batteries. Thanks for your help. I'll get one designed for LiFePO4. Thanks again
  • Post in thread: Busbar wiring question...

    Thanks. It's copper that I tinned. I wrapped it with neoprene and electric tape. Pix of the bus bar & dimensions below:
  • Post in thread: Pros/Cons to 2-Sol-Ark 8K's vs. 1-Sol-Ark 15K

    Very good post. Thank you. This is very informative.
  • Post in thread: Tinning vs. Heat Shrink

    It worked great.
  • Post in thread: Has anyone tried these wall mount Jakiper Batteries?

    I do have a concrete wall, but you make a good point. Thanks for your reply. Love your videos!
  • Post in thread: Do Server Rack Batteries need space between them?

    I will be receiving eight 48V 100A server rack batteries in the next week. I am trying to decide between buying or making my own rack. Do the batteries need space between them for ventilation/dispersion of heat, or will they be good to mount directly adjacent to each other? Thanks in advance.
  • Post in thread: Dumb question

    Nevermind. I was able to power up with the batteries and get most of the parameters set.
  • Post in thread: Battery cables & wiring questions to Sol-Ark 15k?

    Yes. That is what I will be doing. I forgot to add the picture.
  • Post in thread: Has anyone tried EPCOM LiFePO4 Batteries?

    I edited my post to say they are indeed 48V batteries. I incorrectly said 12V. They are Chinese server rack batteries, but definitely available locally without Import/Customs fees. Tax (IVA) and shipping are included in the price. Thanks for the response.
  • Post in thread: You guys in the USA are so lucky

    Similar problems here in Mexico, although "It's Getting Better All the Time". :)
  • Post in thread: Pros/Cons to 2-Sol-Ark 8K's vs. 1-Sol-Ark 15K

    Thanks for the replies!
  • Post in thread: Pros/Cons to 2-Sol-Ark 8K's vs. 1-Sol-Ark 15K

    Yes it did. Thanks for the response and I agree and have since bought the 15k. I hope to install it in the coming weeks.
  • Post in thread: Busbar wiring question...

    Thanks for the reply. Do you think it would be worth the effort to undo it and reconnect diagonally?
  • Post in thread: 2/0 vs. 4/0

    I am preparing to hook up my battery banks (2 banks, each w/4 100A 48V 5.12kWh server rack batteries) to my Sol-Ark 15k inverter. According to Sol-Ark (I emailed support twice to verify), I only need 2/0 cable for each bank. Can anyone triple check this for me before I buy the cables? I will be...
  • Post in thread: Has anyone tried these wall mount Jakiper Batteries?

    My thoughts as well.
  • Post in thread: Tinning vs. Heat Shrink

    Unfortunately, I have not been able to locate it here in México. I am making a homemade version to try. I'll post the results here when it happens.
  • Post in thread: Solar gear prices in Mexico

    I don't remember if I asked, but could you tell me who you used for freight forwarding and customs service?
  • Post in thread: Anyone setting up solar in Mexico? Specifically Merida, Yucatan?

    I would also be interested in knowing who you found and what you ended up using. I am also in the Yucatan Peninsula (Quintana Roo) and the options are limited
  • Post in thread: 2/0 vs. 4/0

    Thank you all for the fast and great responses The Sol-Ark 15K has 2 - 200A breakers for each (of the 2) battery terminal blocks.
  • Post in thread: Recommendations for Solar equipment in México

  • Post in thread: Battery cables & wiring questions to Sol-Ark 15k?

    I went ahead and e-mailed Sol-Ark about this and here was their response: Me: I have ordered 8 - 48v LiFePO4 100A server rack batteries to use with my 15k. 2 questions: 1) Is it better to use 2 banks of 4 batteries (1 to each battery input terminal) or all 8 into 1 input? 2) Is 2/0 awg...
  • Post in thread: Battery cables & wiring questions to Sol-Ark 15k?

    Hi, Although I have learned a lot from research and this forum, I am still pretty new to this. I finally was able to purchase 8 - 48V LiFePO4 server rack batteries (5.12 kWh each) to use with my Sol-Ark 15k. The batteries come with 8 inch 2AWG cables per unit. My questions are: 1) Is 2AWG...
  • Post in thread: Would Eight 48V LiFePO4 server rack batteries be appropriate for a Sol-Ark 15K?

    I was going to purchase 6, but in researching, 8 seems be more appropriate. If so, what would be the best way to connect these?
  • Post in thread: What should I use for bus bar insulation?

    My Inverter and batteries are almost ready to go "live" as soon as my panels are installed. I have 1 issue to resolve...I am not sure how to insulate my (tinned, copper) battery bus bars for safety. I will attach pictures. If you have any suggestions, I would love to hear them. I live in...
  • Post in thread: 2/0 vs. 4/0

    Perfect. Thanks...I mean danke. ;)
  • Post in thread: Tinning vs. Heat Shrink

    This is the very video I watched that convinced me to do my own.
  • Post in thread: EG4 6500EX-48 capabilities vs. Sol-Ark 15k

    Thanks. I'm definitely leaning that way if I can get one down here.
  • Post in thread: What should I use for bus bar insulation?

    I ended up finding some neoprene covers and then wrapped red electric tape around the + bars will complete it by wrapping black tape around the -
  • Post in thread: Tinning vs. Heat Shrink

    Hi again, I defer to the expertise of many on here who have guided me so far... Because I live in Mexico, I don't have as many things available to me as in the U.S. I have found copper bus bars, but they not tinned. Because I live waterfront on the Caribbean Sea, the salt air rusts and...
  • Post in thread: Battery cables & wiring questions to Sol-Ark 15k?

    Yes and thanks again. I May still use 4/0 just to be sure and allow room to expand, but I am truly humbled by you and others who willingly take time to help and educate others. I’m a retired schoolteacher, so I’ve always tried to share what I know with others. To be the recipient of that is...
  • Post in thread: EG4 6500EX-48 capabilities vs. Sol-Ark 15k

    OK - I wasn't sure. The diagram showed utility and I assumed that was grid-tied. I'm a newbie.
  • Post in thread: Battery cables & wiring questions to Sol-Ark 15k?

  • Post in thread: Tinning vs. Heat Shrink

    Thanks for the answers. I'm fine to do it if I can find the nickel or tin solutions here. I just haven't been able to find it yet.
  • Post in thread: Dumb question

    OK - Forgive my stupidity, but It is going to be a week or more before I get my SOL-ARK 15k hooked up to the grid. Meanwhile, I have connected my batteries and solar panels. My question is, can I safely power up my 15K via my batteries (leaving the PV input off) in order to set parameters and...
  • Post in thread: LIFEPO4 batteries in high humidity

    Curious as to how you got their batteries in Mexico and what you paid. The only source I have found wants $3000 USD each and $750 to ship 6 of them to me in Quintana Roo.
  • Post in thread: Solar gear prices in Mexico

    This is encouraging. Most sources I have found in Mexico are very primitive/outdated and expensive.
  • Post in thread: Dumb question

    That's what I figured, but this is my first system and I just didn't want to do anything that might damage my Inverter. It seems that there are a plethora of built-in safety features to prevent newbies like me from innocently destroying it.
  • Post in thread: Recommendations for Solar equipment in México

    For any other expats or anyone living in México, have you found any decent vendors? Most of the ones I have found sell outdated equipment and/or have ridiculously inflated prices. I'd really like a Sol-Ark 15k Invertor and LG4 or SOK batteries, but am willing to compromise if necessary. I'm in...
  • Post in thread: Pros/Cons to 2-Sol-Ark 8K's vs. 1-Sol-Ark 15K

    I am trying to decide between running 2 Sol-Ark 8K's vs. 1 Sol-Ark 15k The cost difference is $1900 (2-8k's are more expensive) I know most of the spec differences, but am looking for opinions that maybe I am missing. I am leaning toward a single Sol-Ark 15K
  • Post in thread: Do Server Rack Batteries need space between them?

    I probably should have been more clear. I have rarely seen a setup with the batteries stacked without space. I just want to be sure I get the right size rack for my needs.
  • Post in thread: Solar gear prices in Mexico

    Customs duties/fees are sky high. Plus 16% IVA. The shipping is manageable. But all the other crap makes it almost impossible.
  • Post in thread: Has anyone tried EPCOM LiFePO4 Batteries?

    P.S. I’m oceanfront and am thinking I might be better off to try and find marine grade batteries, but again, there just aren’t many choices in Mexico.
  • Post in thread: Pros/Cons to 2-Sol-Ark 8K's vs. 1-Sol-Ark 15K

    I totally agree. Lithium mining also has an environmental impact that the “green” politicians and MSM conveniently never talks about. I owned an EV for about 4 years. I’m not opposed to them and they can be ok for a certain segment, but it’s ridiculous to mandate them. California already is...

diy solar

diy solar